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    (BIRTHday? I thought you got hatched already??)
    Shoefactory closed for now on but hey you never know when there will be a need for shoes again! It is one never ending story...

    Just tried producing horary about returning but no one replied because they do not want to disappoint me?:rolleyes:

    Happy solar return!
    Hope you cope with birthdays better then me because your more productive or care-free!
    You certainly took your time deciding whether or not to regard me as a friend, 07.Re...

    But it's a pleasure for me to have finally "made the grade".
    you're a really powerful, resourceful woman, must be your triple placement, at least. an angel you need to know. sorry, i'm so intense. thanks for just, reminding us all the simply being one's self is all it take to be ok. i love our karmic stuff lady, i really do. you're too cool.
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