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  • J
    Dear Sir

    I am going through a very lean phase, and have struggled a lot in my career. I am unemployed at the moment, and in a state of distress. Sir I can only request you to help me and decipher my chart, Please tell me whether will I be able to settle in my career or it would never happen, will I ever get a good job which is settled. Sir I am married and have a 2 year old daughter as well. Please find my details below:

    Name : Abhishek Jain
    Date of Birth: 25/7/77
    Time: 6:40 pm
    Place: Lucknow.

    Thank you Sir.

    Yours Sincerely

    Abhishek Jain
    as per your chart Sun has relations with Saturn,and both are in the house of Moksha.Sun is the ruler of father and Saturn is the ruler of his jobs,when Sun and Saturn makes relations it means there are jobs in dark and jobs can maintain time only for morning or evening.In third house Mars gives nature like fighting with Moon and Rahu (mother and her nature of making jobs those are not suitable for him) also controling educational job or services those are must for the maintain family.Jupiter is the lord of money and family education etc.but Jupiter always depends on Moon and Rahu,jobs and daily works those are must for the mother.Jupiter also having sixth relations with Mars,here nature of Mars is very high,and gives knowledge about making technical points in the area of hospital and banking debt etc.also Jupiter has sixth relations from Saturn,it says that you are out side of your family and always in think for the matters related to debt enmity and diseases.
    Dear Bhaduria Ji,
    I have probabaly seen your postings on 2-3 wesites if i am not wrong and you have helped many by your astrological help, here is some trouble for you but your help can make someones life. from the begining my life has been a strugle, my father did not work throughout his life and always been trouble for the family. My elder brother also is suffering from heavy depression and my wife is suffering from Schizophrenia. I hope you can help me theu Astrological Remedies or LAL KITAB remedies following are their birth detail as well as my birth detail. I feel that there is some Pitru Dosha and something has to done.

    MY birth Detail:
    Name: Ashwin
    DOB: 12-12-1967
    Time of Birth : 6.10 AM
    Place of Birth : GONDIA ( MAHARASHTRA) India

    My Wife's detail
    Name: KAPALI
    DOB : 24-4-1977
    time of Birth : 4.30 AM
    Place of birth : Secunderabad

    My Brother
    Name : HIten
    DOB: 16-9-1960
    app. time of birth : 2.00 am to 5.00 am
    Place of birth : GONDIA ( MAHARASHTRA)

    Sincerely yours
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