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  • Hello just came acroos your posts, hope you did not leave site. Thank you for the information you provided
    i just read one of your posts regarding fixed stars and algol and really liked the way your answer developed. if you have the time would you elaborate a bit on algol and cities ruled by this star? i heard thessaloniki in greece is one of those . what does that mean for those living there? do you need to have the city's 'birth chart' and do you know any site where such information on city horoscope's exist and are of trustworthy source? thank you a lot , serufeg
    I haven't seen you posting here for days now. I hope you did not leave us again, your knowledge is priceless for us.
    Remember, Planet, Sign & House...always.

    Perfection and Reception are Essential.

    Stay out of trees...especially when're life will go much easier.

    The Superiors act differently when Occidental [to Sun]

    Go placidly amongst the carnage.

    RSVP Read, Study & Vigilantly Practice

    Sunt aproape de voi....
    Oh my...well welcome back Bob! You should know that in your absense, and probably to your humble dislike, you have in fact reached divine status here :) I can't post the link to your thread "BB code url is not allowed".
    Welcome back, Bob. BTW, you nailed it on two counts. I'm still married (and pretty happily, I might add) and my husband certainly does have a job problem going on. Which is why I'm muddeling my way through Persain Nativities. xo
    Dear Bob:

    Havent seen hide nor hair of you for a while now and I wanted to share with you that I am now studying Horary/traditional astrology thanks in part to you. You have created a monster! (Thanks also to my friend Aquarius358) but you were my 1st inspiration (mostly I just wanted to understand what the h*** you were going on about in your posts)! So thank you. I'd like to know at the very least that you are ok. Are you ok? There are others who admire and miss your posts, ya know.
    Let me know ok?
    Hello! I saw the Monty Python clip you included in your Solar Returns post. I thought I'd drop by to say thank you for both your shared knowledge and the laugh at the expense of a Gumby, being a Monty Python fan myself.
    I've been waiting/hoping for you to weigh in on Ptolmey's thread about the Pluto conjunction to the UK sun......I'd be interested in where you think the whole situation is headed.

    happy Solar Return!
    Just saw your chart in the "William Lillly significators of death" thread ;)
    Please, never stop posting in this forum, I learn a lot from your posts!

    Pisces Girl
    ah, hello bob. read an old post from you on vocational astrology. learned sth important (of course it was about me. lol)
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