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  • I couldn't tell what drink it was myself. I hope it's hot chocolate, it looks like. I always feel ladylike when I am on your page - it is so pretty :smile:.
    Nice Saturn pictures Charm :wink:, here is an unusual picture of Saturn. What's next Neptune floating in my alcohol, Venus on my Ice Cream, Mars on my spicy foods. I probably have all the astrology and food associations wrong. :biggrin:

    Hi Franklin
    I might be Sag, Cap, Aqu or Pisces rising! I have spent hours staring at the photos which does not help. And, my Moon is on the cusp of Gem/Can and believe it gives qualities of both.
    Hey nice page Charm!...did you ever go to that astrrofaces,com site I sent you once? Hoping it could have given you some insight on finding your ascendant..Take care...Franklin
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