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  • Hi, I just read an old thread by you concerning Virgo 10*...too bad I wasn't a member then...I would've liked to got into that discussion. I trust that your Sabian understanding has blossomed and developed along since then. Cheers. ptv
    I'm studying Sabian symbols in my natal chart and it's accurate, especially my Neptune at Aqua 25 (Phase 325) tells me that I could overcome my handicaps and healing my soul self... it's a very good day!
    Her dad worked in a mental institute and as her parents moved to annother country (as soon as she finished hight scool) her dad never learned the language of that new country.
    Draco, I found this site and wanted to check it out , from what I see it's more for the young, which I was along time ago. I've been going through tough times and was in hopes of finding a reason for it all. I don't know much about astrology but I want to learn. Am I ok here ? 11-08-1950
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