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  • Here's a Link to almost 100 Free Podcasts and Commercial free, never ever a charge for Ancient Knowledge. All you need is a computer, Ipad, Iphone, or smartphone, and you got it..Enjoy!

    Love you all, Thanks for everything, and if there are any Earth Changes this Summer, hang in there! The planets are shaking (Uranus Sq Pluto)
    Farley Malorrus
    My mind is a clear blue lake, deep calm and serene.I am at peace with myself and the world.I reflect the divine light.I am strong, I am loving, I am loved.I am in control of my destiny.I create a perfect and loving personality.(Aries)Prosperity and comfort surround me.(Taur)
    I am aware of my mind and all of its aspects.My thoughts are peaceful, calm and confident.The glowing circle of God's love envelopes my mind.(Gem)
    I am secure.(Can)I am creative.(Leo)Health and vitality flow through my mind and my body.(Virgo)I am blessed with the abundance of God's love.
    With harmony and love, I share my blessings with all living things.(Lib)
    My soul is immortal.(Scorpio)I open myself to the light of truth and receive divine inspiration.(Sagittarius)I am successful.(Cap)
    With faith in God and myself, I elevate my goals in life to harmonize with the true spiritual purpose of my existence.(Aq)
    I enter into the fulfillment of my being and live forever in the light of God's love.(PI)
    To keep up to date with my BLOG and thoughts on Earthquakes happening in the World and World changes, add me to your facebook where my blog is and where I have only Real People as friends who are interested in what I am interested in.
    Here's that link:
    Also, my Free Ebook on Everything Spiritual you need to know to have that "Epiphany" you've been waiting for your whole life. 100% free for you to enjoy.
    To find my FREE ASTROLOGY WEBSITE, just to to this link. NEVER A CHARGE FOR SACRED KNOWLEDGE and 100's of Commercial free RADIO SHOWS Clear, concise, and fun.
    Check it out. YOU might love it.
    When the student is ready the teacher appears.!
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