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  • I have tried her to contact on other forum, but she didn't reply and after few days/months she also stopped using that forum too and this is the one of reason that I feel that she was paid member, and this feeling really hurt me..
    I don't know the exact reason, but what I observed is that she had few arguments with some members, some time including moderators too.
    She already got warning and now she is banded. Although I think she was a paid member. (this is my personal views)

    and I am missing her

    I haven't been on this site for a while and I just came across your message now. Where in Ft. Myers are you?
    Your welcome! LoL Thank you for the pic compliment and thank you for the advice you gave me earliar. Lol Hey nothings more cool than being forceful and dynamic like taurus with aries moon. seems to me you could win, take or have anything u want . By simply charging right into it to have it.
    Im a retard bc Ive been replyin to everyone on my visitors messager page LOL Its very nice to meet you. Il get this right sooner or later. LOL oh yea I like your pic and your name thats very cool!
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