well hello! How are things?! Yeah I'm not too close to Pisa so no worries lol. I'll keep away from anything expensive now! So you've started the new academic year? How's that going? I'm still doing an intro-course, I start the serious stuff in Oct. but things are going well now, I can't believe how quickly I've adapted...hey there was a tiny spot of rain yesterday and you should have seen them...everyone cancelling their plans lol a thunder storm and we'd still go down for some milk lol. You know it's very hot here, it's like it's still summer, but amazingly, I'm not burning, I'm tanning...but I like my white skin lol. I'm keeping an eye on Jupiter and Uranus retro, you? Both 27 degrees Pisces...they're still rocking over my natal Merc. and MC. It's the last bang after the retro that brings the light of day no? Hmm. What's going on in your chart?