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  • Thank you for your comment under the Thread "The Trutine of Hermes". The support is appreciated.

    Respectfully CC
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    Reactions: John Thompson
    John Thompson
    I've reported him, for he gets very arrogant and posts the same things over and over. Sorry it comes to this, but it just clogs threads up and gets on many peoples nerves. Many thanks for reaching out, just a little respect goes a long way.
    I agree, I have also commented about this to the moderators as one of the disturbing points, but this was in general with regards to the forum as a whole. Again many thanks. A fine day.

    Respectfully CC
    If I remember correctly I stated it as "members with a dominate presence." I didn't point to anyone in particular and left it at that. I'm sure that the moderators are well aware of members who fall under "dominate presence".

    Respectfully CC
    John, your health astrology knowledge is impressive. Do you do professional readings? Can we please have a reading? Your comments on 2026 are spot on. I also observed the p.Sun opposite n.Neptune, and p.Sun conj. t.Uranus in my 8th house. I'd really appreciate to see if this is one tough year, or many tough years, or a fatal situation. Thanks!
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