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    Hey Jupiter, the leading poster of the AW, happy astrology day weekend (under the pisces sun, the traditional ruler of Jupiter). +
    Hi Timing - click on "Private Messages" then check the left margin and select "Contacts and Friends" then follow the instructions there
    Hi Monk - even a birth time noted on medical records is unlikely to be 100% certain accurate - simply because of human error and other possible errors such a clocks being fast or slow or not adjusted to DST and so on
    Hi Jup, on random presidential thoughts i have found irregular charts, being Bill Clinton, Astro Data Bank seem to have got his M.C. wrong, any idea what has happened?
    Regards Monk
    P.S. i have his M.C. at approx. 22* Gemini, which would make him have an Alnilam M.C.!!!
    Hi Monk - I checked that thread and you are the OP so you determine the thread content and certainly parans DEFINITELY oldest astrological methodology!
    Hi Jup,
    I'm not sure of whats going on with my thread regarding Theresa May and Boris Johnson, i may be wrong but it appears to be an attemp to stop me posting parans, the oldest of all astrology???
    I have no idea regarding moderator comments, perhaps you have some idea, i know i can be controversial but so can you....any insight?
    Regards Monk
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