Hi Kannan,
My wife has applied for seperation. My DOB is 09th May 1975 @ 11.55 AM @ Mumbai , India
and her DOB is 24th February 1978 @12.50 AM @ Copenhagen , Denmark
Please refer our charts and kindly inform the following :
1) Is this marriage doomed for Seperation / Divorce?
2) Any chances of rejoining back? If yes, will this marriage any way survive eventually?
3) Is this partner worth for me?
4) Do I have a Mangalik Dosha?
5) If this marriage goes for a toss, will I ever get a new partner matching me? In other words, will I re marry again? Do I have a good marriage in my destiny?
6) Overall strength of my horoscope
7) Will I be able to settle abroad?
8) any serious financial problems indicated ever? Any debts? Any loss due to bad habits, cheating/frauds etc?
9) any serious health problems indicated ever?
10) I always live in insecurities and hence do not ever have peace, even though I am spiritual. Will I always live a life of worries?
Thank you in advance for your time,