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  • Hey Maddie, can we talk to each other? I'm 1 year younger than you and we're both teens now, so lets make a thread for teens to talk with each other! I want to do a numerology reading for you too, since I started to study numerology since early 2021!
    hi can you tell me how to upload 2 charts here from so someone can read them? Hope you are doing well and your Portuguese boyfriend!!!
    Okie doke! You can do whatever you want, but I think the most efficient way to do this- if you could tap that link above- just take the quiz and I’ll be able to take the information from the answers you give on the quiz and use that information to do any readings you want (options being: numerology, transits, horoscope, natal, and synastry if you tell me the basic info for the other person) Thanks ✨
    Thanks :). I’ll get back to you when I get the chance! (Soon!)
    tomorrow @MoonSun and i am so sorry for the delay! i'm usually never busy, but this week has been crazy! and omg the wifi is really bad this time of year
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