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  • Hello!
    How are you Muchacho? Can you please comment on my July month howwill be please?

    Thanks in advanc.e
    Hola Usted!

    COmo veo su nombre de usuario es muchacho...usted puede ser espanol o hispano hablante?

    Veo que usted es profesional en astrologia....Por favor me puede ayudar en interpratacion de mi carta natal?

    Saludos Grandes!
    you seem very knowledgeable and very smart
    can you tel me
    what zodiac sign have these quality:
    1-don't feel sexual jealousy if his women wear nude or tight clothes ?
    2-believe that women should wear,work,act,think,feel the same like man?
    3-don't believe in man authority and superiority over women ?
    4-restrict his love and his sexual desire to be active only in
    and with certain predetermined: (place-time-person-age)
    like(at home-at night-with his lover-from age 18 to 50)?
    5-believe that love between adult and under 18 girls is wrong and marring them with their desire and free will is a crime?
    (all this qualities has spreed in all humans in the world between the 30s and the 90s )
    Hi Muchacho,I hope u remember me. I have a posted a query on our website with topic heading ADULTERY PRONE. Kindly give your valuable opinion. thank u
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