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  • B
    Hi, i don't know if you or anyone can clear this up for me but, about ten minutes ago i was outside in my back yard. I live in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Anyway, i looked up at the moon and noticed there was a huge ring around it. It wasn't light distortion or anything of the sort. It almost looked like there was a hole in our atmosphere. and the moon sits right in the middle of this "Hole", i don't know if you can help me or not but I'm curious to know what this phenomena is... I hope you can help me or find somebody who can. Thank you
    hi nexus7, i have posted a thread in the Career related- Horary. I would that if you have the time to check my thread. Sincerely , Alexis (tanamarios).
    can you please tell me when will i get marraige by this details ,my name is sridevi,DOB:20-10-1982,Time:8:30am,Place of birth:siddipet,AP,India
    Thank You
    Hi Nexus,is that you in the picture?I've always thought you look like you were taken straight out of a Harry Potter movie.Like you actually have magic :)
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