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  • R4ven, more than ten years ago you set me on a path of deep spiritual and personal awakening when I was in my late teens. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance at the time, it changed my life and shaped the adult I became. Forever grateful 💙 Love from Canada!
    Wow, Kayla. I do remember the exchanges we had, and the already quite deep insight you had in relation to the possibilities for your life. I really appreciate hearing from you, and your feedback.

    And I can hardly believe it was more than ten years ago. To me, it feels like just 3 or 4 !!
    Hello Sir,

    I have applied for H1B visa this year but am still waiting for approval although my name is picked in lottery. Can you please help me out of my anxiety that when will i get approval for my visa.
    Any help regarding my query will be a great help. I have placed my birth details below. Unable to put birth chart as i don't know how to draw the correct chart.

    DOB - 09 August 1989
    Name - Ravi Bhaskar
    Time - 17:55 IST
    Place of Birth - Bissau (City - Jhunjhunu; State - Rajasthan (India))
    Geography Coordinates - Bissau is located at 28.25°N 75.08°E. It has an average elevation of 292 metres (958 feet).

    Thanks in advance.
    It's been 6 years since you heard from me, Lia. I hope all is well with you.
    I worked really hard in that time, as an artist, and did pretty well. Now, with Chiron transisting my MC, trine ASC, square Uranus, and in conjunct itself, I'm dealing with bladder cancer. I had surgery to remove the tumours and am awaiting biopsy results, this week
    There is a curious mix here; I got very involved with the study of asteroids, and take into account M Lang-Wescott view of Chiron as a maverick. My unique medium, and the way I used it, broke safety rules, when artists are already a high risk group for this type of cancer.
    I remember how involved you felt with Chiron, and thought this would interest you.
    It would be lovely to hear from you
    I just wanted to thank you. I have read many of your posts on here and they are always informative and intelligent. I have two Yod Kites by the way and a stellium. :)
    Hi if you have time then can you analyse my chart and let me know my negative and positive things in my horoscope? If you have some time to spend then i would like to see what u will say. u r a popular astro here i think :)
    I want to thank you for a post you did. You were spot on. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my chart.
    hey thank you for all your help in the past, im closing my account because of some internet security reasons but just wanted to et a chance to thank you and wish you great fortune in years to come, i know corney but true...Have a good one!
    Hi R4VEN. Thanks for accepting my friendship request. I just wanted to say that when I first came across the forum, a couple of posts I read by you were among those that made it feel life a worthwhile place to be. You seem to have taken a break just after I joined and I'm glad you've been contributing again. I'm hear to learn so please feel free to challenge my thoughts and assumptions.

    Best wishes

    Thank you for your sage advice. Sometimes, when in crisis...we all need to rely on "the kindness of strangers." I would welcome any information on how to protect oneself "psychically, and also, how your son was able to overcome his fears...because frankly, I am afraid of EVERYTHING...
    Thank you so very much for everything dear :D Forgive my impatience please :) I've started learning how this site works so i'll change the way i "move" here :) How are you?

    P.S: I'n afraid that unfortunately i don't have Jupiter trine Pluto but Jupiter square Pluto.I'm not sure though :)
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