Star, I see a LOT of answers to your depression question, and I could probably give you a lot of astrological information regarding this.
HOwever, I think you need to take this one aspect...this one transit, very serious...Pluto conjunct Neptune SQUARE your Mercury. There are a lot of "ingredients" in your chart that could make for depression, both genetic and experiential, but if Pluto wasn't square your Merc I don't think you would feel as terrible and as deeply depressed as you do.
You are attempting to find "intellectual reasons" and the square is really an aspect of internal conflict.
By the way, depression is NOT a character flaw.
If you want me to give you more of my "take" on this subject, let me know.
I can send a message this way or on a post on the board.
Or just study this one's a big and long lasting one and I think that you need to just study it, and realize that you can get through it, and then other aspects will even out your emotions in the future.