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  • Thanks Cleopatra, I would never have thought of a ZIP code, LOL!
    I am pleased that you have become a moderator by the way. It happened on one of those days that I did not attend to my emails or the forum, so I missed the annoucement. I should read those first thing in the morning really. Much can happen wilst I am asleep:).
    Wish you all the best. Tim is a great guy to work with and I like EJ also, we have always gotten along well.
    Hi Starlink,

    You asked what happened on February 9th, 2010. That was such a clever way to read my response to EternalAutumn's post about Jay Leno's Nose.

    90210 is actually the zip code for Beverly Hills, in California USA. It's known for its drama and was the title of a hit tv-show during the '90s chronicaling the very dramatic lives of some very "beautiful-out ugly-in" people.
    Your PM box is filled with messages of regret at your resignation as a Moderator, Star......So, I'm sending mine as a visitor message.
    hi starlink . i need that you check the Solar Return thread (is in the Solar Return forum) if you can have the time of course. i will be glad. Sincerely Alexis
    Hello Banefranco, to be honest,I dont know if this is meant as a chat. I can see all the answers and messages from others, but dont know if you can see them as well. Lets try this: when you read this post of mine, do you also see posts from Waterlilly, Lissa and others? or do you just see the one's who answered to you and to whom you wrote? Please let me know so I also know:)

    About "blaming without proof" I unfortunately dont know about this issue as I did not follow your posts, probably busy elsewhere in the forum. I do the European time zone and other moderators are from the other side of the ocean, so I dont know if one of them blamed you for something or whether it was another member. Best thing is to PM us, not using this Visitor/friends site. So let me know yeah?

    Cheers, Starlink
    I am registered as banefranco and this is my second message to ADMINS. The first time I wrote to you was when the thread 'premier league 2009-2010 is opened with the chart only and at the same day got 5 stars rate by Fenci88.I hope you will agree that it is funny.I know the point and you know the point and I asked any of you to reacts. This second letter is based by the way when someone blames someone without any proof, just tempty words. As I respected rules at this forum everything I placed was for discussion but proved from my side. Now I have personal attack without any proof. As you can see astrology missunderstandings are not the point here.
    I do not need to visit the site where things like this happens.
    Thanks to all of you Lissa,Waterlilly,Noideaaboutastro for your very kind words. Really heart warming!

    Yes Gaer, I think you are in the right box! I also must get used to all these newly installed features.

    ~~ Your Kind of Friendship ~~

    It takes more than caring
    To be a real friend;
    The nature of friendship;
    Requires a blend
    Of warmest compassion
    And love deep and true
    To reach and to comfort
    The way that you do.
    Your kind of friendship
    Is priceless to me.
    Because I let you be you and, you let me be me

    Hey! Thanks for posting up about solar returns in the ed board. Didn't read what board it was on and kept posting.....sorry!
    Just saying hi to a lovely Taurus who's helped me many times in the past!Cheers,Lissa
    Hi Starlink,

    The whole system is different, and I'm not even sure how this works or if I am in the right box. :)

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