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  • Hello winter, was my private message to long for you to respond to or was it to annoying to respond to...LOL An way, I think I really panicked about him but with him having that Sag rising and mars in the 1st house, I really have to get used to the things that come out of his mouth. It's challenging trying to figure out what he meant to say and what was just pure impulse. Any way, hope all is well and thanks so much for your great interpretations.

    will you help me clean off my desk... I seem to have a problem...

    radiant, striking, beautiful. how else to tell you but to give you a mirror from the earth herself...

    Nice of you to think of me, im pretty good, im taking my GCSE's (high school final exams) this summer so ive been busy, plus being a teen ive had the mandatory teengage drama my best friend/lover was suicidal and her dad gets drunk and her mums busy all the time...So yeah, ive been playing the loving nurse for the tie that i havent been on ^^" but i dotn mind....venus in cancer :3
    aww y thank u. i've been totally slackin on my astrology game latley. i guess sinces everthings is going pretty good. How have u been
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