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  1. Kingsley

    Hairy Transits - Can you share your experiences?

    Hello Panik I would suggest that the new moon is showing how the deeper levels of your unconscious world are bubbling up items for more conscious thought. This may seem hard to grapple with however a good healing process. In the psychoanalitical model they talk about the "unthought becoming a...
  2. Kingsley

    Planets on nodal degrees

    I like Steven Forest's work on the nodes. He Uses narrative or creative visualization to bring nodal descriptions into the clients own experience of the south node and planet. It's not the easiest thing to do however if you attempt that on your own level there are powerful meanings for a client...
  3. Kingsley

    Discussion on Nexus's Article on Nodes.

    Hello, I don't think merc-sn Pluto is self centered. I like the concept of "synthesizing"
  4. Kingsley

    Pluto Transits

    Well said kennedyrosewhith.Your story touched me. best Kingsley
  5. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    Hi, its good to see such good comments from air reduced folk. I dont think its ever a problem its just an underlying weighting in personality. Some people are good at "doing" some prefer to "think" and others "feel". We do all of these really, however like with temperaments or learned behaviours...
  6. Kingsley

    Black Moon Lillith

    Hello Neptune Rising, you have an exciting life by the sounds of things. Lilith does like temptation however I am not so sure that "she" wants you to learn your lessons. That is more likely for Saturn and Pluto. Lilith just does stuff - and I think it is you who have recognised her ways in this...
  7. Kingsley

    Black Moon Lillith

    Hello Neptune Rising, Sounds like you have had some ups and downs this last year. Progressed Sun and Lilith could be one explanation for your lilithy relationship experience. Sounds a bit like you were in love and running with that? If one has the ability to reflect on such experiences then...
  8. Kingsley

    Black Moon Lillith

    Hello Mercurious, well said regarding the aspects of Lilith and depression. Depression is not the same as despair and Lilith can describe despair more so than depression. It is difficult to put a finger on the "emptiness" and despair with regard to Lilith however that is because she becomes...
  9. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    I used to ignore the outer planets in the weightings of elements and modality. One can configure their astro program to do so. I dont bother so much these days. k
  10. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    Thats the way it can work 07. Its a bit like "companion planting" with some relationships. As someone suggested it helps to look at the modalities of Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable as these will also have a say in the matter. I view the elements and qualities as fundemental building blocks in...
  11. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    I hear whet you are saying COrnholio. The motivation or drive to incorporate more practicality or emotive response is one way the human psyche finds balance to survive however in my view it is not an instinctive trait. The "compensative element" can fall down in some situations especially during...
  12. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    When there is a lack of element there is a lack of element. The psychology of the "lack of element" sometimes refers to over compensating however I am not sure that this is a solid rule COrnholio. One can have a lack of money but that doesnt necessarily mean they will compensate by attaining...
  13. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    Hi Boogy99, it does sound like an oxymoron doesnt it. Having and imbalance of a particulr element does represent an emphasis in the chart. One would best configure this information into the reading. I am not sure that having "no fire elememnt" means that the person is "firey" though. Fire is...
  14. Kingsley

    Black Moon Lillith

    I havent visited this thread for some time. Getting in touch with ones Lilith periodicaly is a good thing. Christmas is coming and family get togethers have a tendency to raise lilith from her depths. If a strongly placed Lilith has been doormant in ones expression then there is a good chance...
  15. Kingsley

    Mental maladies

    Re: Mental problems Hello Tacedhyse I like the way you identify with Mercury and Neptune. I think its important to say that Mercury and Neptune alone doesnt represents mental illness. One needs to look at ascendant ruler, cadent houses, peregrine planets and other dignities and of course the...
  16. Kingsley

    What makes a person shy, timid and anxious?

    I am not so sure that anxiety equates to an upleasant personality. Usually on deeper investigation, midpoints can explain where the trigger for this lays . Moon=mars/neptune can be anxiety.development of personality in the natal chart usually shows Saturn playing a role in shyness and self...
  17. Kingsley

    Lilith question

    I will be writing more on Black Moon Lilith shortly Haizea. The origins of my research started after reading a psychotherapy paper on the treatment of character. It seems that someone else (a non astrologer) back in the 60's identified the "demon" part in ones personality. Its the part that...
  18. Kingsley

    Lilith question

    Hello Haizea, Black Moon - Lilith is a complex astrological point. Perhaps as a person evolves in their relationship to astrology Lilith is better understood. One thing about Planets conjunct Lilith can be described by developmental psychology. The injunction or inherited part of personality...
  19. Kingsley

    Absence of element/modality means strong?

    Hello, I tend to agree with the overcompensating theory when a chart shows lack of element or modality. The person may initially overcompensate however hopefully finding balance is the ultimate goal. Much has to do with other factors in the chart for example someone may have no fire but Mars is...
  20. Kingsley

    Solar Eclipse Late July 2009

    Hey this is the Greenhorns Lounge! - oh well, there is no time like the present to get ones astrology info correct. kingsley