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  1. helena-IT

    the Chiron return

    Hello everyone, since I'm going through my Chiron return, I wanted to share a video and its transcript as a summary of pretty much everything that I'm feeling right now on a deep personal level (mentally and emotionally). You may share your thoughts if you wish so. --- [transcript] ---...
  2. helena-IT

    Relocation, intuition and a bit of psychology

    Hi @Frisiangal just wondering if you've got a follow-up on my comments. Thank you.
  3. helena-IT

    Relocation, intuition and a bit of psychology

    Thank you @Frisiangal for really detailed insights, I really do appreciate it :) Interestingly, Pluto entered my 4th H. right at the beginning of the pandemic lockdowns (4th Feb. 2020) so I was already working from home, that's why I did not feel Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto square to 7th house natal...
  4. helena-IT

    Relocation, intuition and a bit of psychology

    Thank you @waybread I've already done that, check the screenshot: Sun/Venus trine MC right through Oslo. Thanks @StarchaserNancy ! I'm very plutonian by nature and I'm familiar by its energies :) and I've got Mars in my 1st so I'm brave ;)
  5. helena-IT

    Relocation, intuition and a bit of psychology

    Thank you for your insights and good wishes @Outlook however just a bit of clarification - I don't have a problem with Saturn, on contrary. Jupiter is my biggest malefic, when I had Jupiter transiting my 10th house I lost my job and experienced the worst kind of poverty until Saturn got into the...
  6. helena-IT

    Relocation, intuition and a bit of psychology

    I'm not sure where to post this as this is a combination of many aspects (astrology, intuition, psychology, personal development): When I was 46 yo (now I am 49) something happened, I never experienced or even dreamed of: I began thinking about leaving my native country and settling abroad...
  7. helena-IT

    Two New Moons in a row in 10th house

    Yes I know what you mean, a double trine: Saturn in Pisces trining my natal Sun/Venus and trining my natal Saturn. Last time that happened I was at my second year the University, and all I remember was me studying very hard and passing all exams in june. Let's see what will happen 30 years...
  8. helena-IT

    Two New Moons in a row in 10th house

    Thank you for additional explanation. In equal / whole sign house systems NM in august falls in 11th house. Please find charts, both equal and whole signs, although I've heard many astrologers saying very negative things about those two types of charts, but opinions and interpretations are...
  9. helena-IT

    Two New Moons in a row in 10th house

    So no new developments in the career field. Ok I understand. Thank you for clarifying the situation Ecliptique Best.
  10. helena-IT

    Two New Moons in a row in 10th house

    Hello everyone, I have a very unusual NM situation this and the following month, and I've never had anything similar before. Two consecutive NM in 10th house: today's NM occurs at the beginning of my natal 10th house, and next month's NM 16. aug 2023, occurs at the end of my natal 10th house...
  11. helena-IT

    Solar return 2h before the Full Moon

    Hi everyone, I've noticed my S/R for 2014/15 occurs 2 hours before the Full Moon's exactness, so I was wondering should I take that Full Moon into account or not, would it have the same impact on my S/R chart, since it's occuring in my S/R 10th house, and directly opposing my Sun. Thank you in...
  12. helena-IT

    Will I meet my ex-boss this year?

    Thank you Spicadilly, As a matter of fact yes he is - my both companies (the previous and the current one) are in the same industry, it's just the previous one is much more prestigious. It has sense - I think my current boss is sort of enchanted by my ex-boss, and the only thing my ex-boss...
  13. helena-IT

    Will I meet my ex-boss this year?

    I've got a new job and it turns out my new boss is a very good friend of my ex-boss. But the problem is, I left the previous job without saying goodbye to my ex-boss, and he got furious, REALLY furios. And now I feel pretty uncomfortable, for I feel the meeting is inevitable. Thank you in...
  14. helena-IT

    Can these two Scorpios make out as a couple

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  15. helena-IT

    SR 2014/2015 natal MC becomes SR ASC

  16. helena-IT

    I know it's Mercury retrograde, but...

  17. helena-IT

    I know it's Mercury retrograde, but...

  18. helena-IT

    Late Moon, early ASC - too late or to early for the question

    Late Moon, early ASC - too late or too early for the question ...........
  19. helena-IT

    People born in Mercury retrograde shadow

    If I follow you correctly, that means literally one second can make a difference?
  20. helena-IT

    People born in Mercury retrograde shadow

    Thank you Zarathu. I don't know, but a lot of modern astrologers do talk about it eg: