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  1. venusia

    Is it in my best interest to go on this trip?

    Thank you so much for answering Ilenek, Yes, I noticed none of my significators aspect mars. I wonder if something will happen that will prevent me or us from going to colombia. This is my home country and when we go it has always been great. But this time with so many things going on around...
  2. venusia

    Is it in my best interest to go on this trip?

    Hello fellow astrologers. I will be traveling to Colombia january 4th and want to see if it's in my best interest to travel. Trump will take office during the time that we are there and I want to make sure everything will be ok while we are gone. We will be back February 11th. We will be...
  3. venusia


    Hello friends, I have a property out of the US that is part of an inheritance from my mother's passing two years ago. I am in charge of the properties and in the process of remodeling it so we can rent it. A lady, Alcira, that is a neighbor offered to help with the remodeling. She's in that...
  4. venusia

    Is it in my best interest to travel to Europe with my husband this august

    Hello fellow astrologers, My husband is going to a soccer tournament in Europe this August and wants us to go together. Of course I want to go but I have had some issues lately with him and I am having doubts about going. So my question is, Is it in my best interest to go on this trip to...
  5. venusia


    Thank you Chrysalis, so you do see what my son saw on the chart! I have been feeling very uneasy and I am not sure I can trust having her living here. She is very, very sweet, helpful, beautiful, and young. And I get the feeling that I made the wrong decision by bringing her here. In a way I...
  6. venusia


    Thank you for your reply Marina, I wasn't sure if she would be the 6th or 7th house. I totally see what you are saying about my husbands mind being with his money. That's exactly what is happening right now. I have to look at the aspects that you mentioned in regards to my husband wanting...
  7. venusia

    Is my sister's husband having a secret affair?

    Totally agree with you Celestial Companion. The husband, Jupiter is in your sister's 12th house which means he is keeping his relationship secret with venus. When your husband is in your 12th it means he's being secretive and deceitful. The 12th house is the house of secrets and hidden enemies.
  8. venusia


    Hello fellow astrologers, I will give you the background of my question. We have a homestead that we are developing and need extra hands to help us. We decided to offer free living arrangements to someone who would come give us a hand. I ran into this girl at a zumba teacher training, and we...
  9. venusia

    Where is my cat? is he alive?

    Thank you all for your input. My cat has not been found and it seems as you were saying that he was in bad shape and didn't make it. I thought as you, Outlook, but we did not meet again. I thought because of the trine I saw that we were going to get him back. We have six large puppies and...
  10. venusia

    Where is my cat? is he alive?

    So, do we look at both his 8th and my 8th? because he's in my 8th / his 3rd house. Based on your readings, do you think he's gone? or is he injured somewhere? As I mentioned before, we have coyotes roaming around and owls. Also, I don't know if our dogs injured him when he got out and he...
  11. venusia

    Where is my cat? is he alive?

    Hello fellow astrologers, Our cat walked out and then was scared by our dogs and has not returned yet. It's been about three days now. I casted a chart and based on what I see he should be ok? I am Taurus and he is Virgo. His ruler (mercury) is in his third house. Does this mean he is in...
  12. venusia

    Missing Gun

    Hello everyone, My sister called me earlier to ask me to do a horary for her because her gun is missing. She has it for safety reasons but it's always hidden in her bedroom. She will be going on a trip out of the US and just realized that the gun is missing. She does have a lady that comes to...
  13. venusia

    Should I travel to France for a week?

    Hello Ilenek, I decided to cancel our flight and stay home. I have been feeling weak and tested for UTI. so currently taking antibiotics. Our flight is in 5 days, so only my kids and their dad are going. I am saddened but would rather stay and take care of my health and my dog. Thank you...
  14. venusia

    Should I travel to France for a week?

    Hello friends, my oldest son and his girlfriend planned a vacation to france for this september and asked my youngest son their dad and my husband and I to come also and do like a family trip. We were going to Paris and my husband and I would go to spain for two more weeks while my kids and...
  15. venusia

    Is Justa sick? what from?

    Hello friends, Justa who is my sister-inlaw came to see me to get a healing session done. I did this chart asking if she's sick and what from but I asked by name, Justa. So I gave her the 7th house. Is that ok? Anyway, based on that the chart is a little confusing to me and I'm asking if...
  16. venusia

    Where is my husbands SIM card?

    I still have not found SIM yet...have looked in garage on the ground, around fridge, by sink, in garage bathroom, but nothing.
  17. venusia

    Where is my husbands SIM card?

    Thank you Fensi88:love: I will look in those areas. It's the garage. I will look near the bathroom that is in there or the fridge. I will let you know if I find it.
  18. venusia

    Where is my husbands SIM card?

    Hello, I have been looking for my husbands SIM card for his second cell phone and have not been able to find it. Would SIM card be the second house or third house? I have been studying horary astrology for a bit now and really want to know how to go about finding it for future use in my...
  19. venusia

    Help finding out birth time

    Thank you so much Jupiterasc, I will get to work on my chart.... yess, I have found that this is very time consuming, but I want to learn and also really need to find out my real time of birth so I can rectify my chart. I love astrology and have a deep connection to it and that's what gives me...
  20. venusia

    Help finding out birth time

    Thank you for your help.... I have been analysing my chart according to what the link says and at the birth time of 1:45 looking at transits for the day I married may 3 1988; there are the following aspects venus trine asc chiron trine asc lilith square MC venus sq pluto which the ruler of my MC...