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  1. Isis

    Mission: Relocation

    Anyone please? I will even pay if a professional is willing to help me. I really need help.
  2. Isis

    Mission: Relocation

    Hi everyone. These have been really tough times and I really need to make some serious decisions in my life. Being unemployed for 4 years at 27 years old is making me go insane. I already relocated before to look for a better life, but I don't like where I am and my life is literally stuck. I...
  3. Isis

    Considering relocation - better option for career prosperity

    Hi there everyone. I am considering moving to another country after I finish my degree. I am already leaving abroad, but it has been a bit of a struggle and I am unsure my career will flourish if I stay where I am at the moment. I am studying to become a lawyer and I look for a place where...
  4. Isis

    Career Orientation

    Fico feliz por te ter ajudado! :smile: It is important (in my opinion) to not only have the skill or talent in a profession, but mainly to enjoy what you do and I think all these options we are talking about are ones that I think you would enjoy. My Mercury is in the 9th cuddling nicely with...
  5. Isis

    Career Orientation

    Olá! Tu tens potencial nas duas areas. MC em Virgem é excelente para detalhes e ambas as areas que mencionaste são meticulosas. Eu também tenho MC in Virgem e eu adorava Quimica assim como ter afinidade para linguas lol; mas agora estou numa area completamente diferente. (Vou escrever o resto...
  6. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    Hahaha! Yea, I know that type of profs... I took a risk in applying for remark, the other profs could not like my "confrontation" and they could make my life harder. But so far so good! I could not ignore and pretend nothing happened... Oh hell no. :lol: Have a great weekend! xooxo
  7. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    Hahaha, I guess some teachers usually wake up on the wrong side of the bed! Thanks for the positive thoughts too. :) You know what's funny? There are more complaints... I am now wondering if it was the same lecturer marking our assignments! It's ridiculous because the lecturer didn't even...
  8. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    Thanks byjove. It is much appreciated :smile:. I have been super anxious because of this situation... This is my second degree but it's the first time such thing happens to me. I will post the outcome as soon as I know my results. Cheers! Isis
  9. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    The professor responsible for the module emailed me back and asked me to send him my assignment so he can look into it. I just sent my assignment. Phew I feel much better now. Let's see what he says. Cheers Isis
  10. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    Thanks. I will not give up. :smile: I will keep you updated.
  11. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    I didn't cheat. I am an honest person and I would not do such thing. That's why I am asking for them to mark again my assignment, because I have been wronged and I have nothing to hide/loose. The lecturer questioned if I was the author of the essay because it was very well written while in...
  12. Isis

    Remarking of University assignment

    I strongly believe I've been wronged in one of my university assignments. The lecturer reduced my assignment to one section where I performed poorly and ignored the other sections of the assignment. This is what appeared to have happened since the lecturer questioned me if I wrote the rest of...
  13. Isis

    Sun's position in the horoscope

    Moon in Taurus in the 5th here and I always felt very comfortable in expressing myself creatively. Moon Taurus in the 5th = Cooking is fun! I love cooking. About the Sun: My Sun is in 9th, Leo. I always have been interested in foreign lands and cultures and I love studying. As a matter of fact...
  14. Isis

    Who here considers Uranus a difficult/malefic planet?

    I think Uranus has been pretty prominent all my life. It is in my 1st house and I have Uranus trine Sun, Mercury and Mars, Uranus sextile Jupiter, Uranus square MC and some minor aspects here and there. My life always has ups and downs but I don't think it's only because of Uranus influence. I...
  15. Isis

    What suggests ability to do math

    I have Sun conjunct Mercury in the 9th too and Mercury trine Uranus, but Saturn squares both Sun and Mercury... I was always mediocre at Maths.
  16. Isis

    Interview tomorrow, will I get an offer?

    You have to cast a chart for the time you ask your question. For example, 2nd April 2012 at 13pm.
  17. Isis

    What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

    Yep, it's a pity there isn't much information yet. That's a curious find. I will check out what Saturn is doing in some people charts. Thanks :smile:
  18. Isis

    College degree/Career path for a Scorpio rising

    Hello fellow Scorpio rising :wink: I've been there and done that. I can really understand what you are going through. It took me a few years to realize what I wanted to study and I even hold an incomplete degree as well... BUT don't despair, you will figure out your way. I am from your...
  19. Isis

    What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

    Yep, it's tough and slow... Well, I am here for 3 years and just now I started studying law... Saturn had its way, nice and slow. To not even mention how many year I needed to figure out my passions (Saturn square Sun and Sun square ASC natally). But, I try and keep myself motivated with eyes on...
  20. Isis

    What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

    This is super interesting. I have this where I am living now and I am all about my career. I started Law school and I feel very focused in this path and I am not intimidated with hard work, it actually motivates me... In my natal chart my 10th house is empty with its ruler in the 9th, MC is in...