Just curious.... why would you want your friend to go back to a person who would dump her and in no time fall in love with another, get herself a new lover? I'm pretty sure (from the previous chart) she really has liked that guy.
As pointed out by others the first chart shows moon translating...
I tend to think if a person says he doesn't have feelings for us, no matter what we feel to be true, it is far better for the sake of sanity and emotional health to let go than trying to change his mind. I'm sorry you're going through this. It doesn't feel this way right now, but it will pass...
I only have time for a glance - I hope I won't miss anything. Venus the descendant lord is in the 7th, not good. But there is a strong mutual reception between Venus and Mars. Now I can see why you are so hung up on this. You think he likes you, and he probably did/does at least at some point...
None of the astrologers I read says what you said. :) Horary is not progressions but horary, by tradition, is not meant to be used and discarded within a few days like a meal box (being tongue-in-cheek here, hope you don't mind). By nature it is not ad-hoc. It is an act of seeking divination...
Thank you for clarifying. Well... I don't think a few months merit a new chart, really. When a relationship was going to happen with the person desired, and in so short a time, I haven't yet seen a horary chart that failed to pick that up. I personally would wait at least a year, probably two...
Also venus, which is the general significator of love affairs in love charts, is not only in the sign of her detriment (Moon's fall). It is also in the weakest house of the chart. Usually in a hopeful relationship chart, you see strong healthy sigs, including Venus, you see sigs in their own or...
I don't know. This chart - sorry if I'm wrong - is this the first time you ask about this person? A combustion happening right in the ascendant, Moon and Venus both in Scorpio their detriment and fall respectively, Moon just out of via combusta, ascendant lord Jupiter in fall. It just feels a...
If you're emotionally hung up on the matter, in all likelihood you get the ascendant and Moon. The cosmo doesn't obey our instructions and leave us off our charts just because we will it to. Especially our romance charts. I think this is only logical: there is no chart if we are indifferent...
I agree with Tikana. I note that the Moon is currently out of orb of any applying aspects. Often in horary, if we overstep our bounds, i.e. prying too closely into someone else's private life, and the heaven thinks that it is not our business, something like this (or other notable considerations...
You really do not need this other chart, which is susceptible to a couple of considerations before judgment anyway. The previous chart already showed that the man and the woman were going to be together - Saturn received Moon by exaltation (traditional definition) and obviously the square...
I don't think the chart is safe to judge to start with, due to the early ascendant. That's why I asked about the hour agreement. But if I was to judge anyway, it doesn't look like the visit (if it happens - beware of early ascendant) would bring about a committed relationship. Moon will also...
But yes, it is. What constitutes VOC has to remain a matter of opinion, because there are respected ancient astrologers who think that void-of-course must be understood by the moiety of orb of Moon and other planets. http://www.medievalastrologyguide.com/void-moon.html Your definition is not the...
This discussion contains Deb Houlding's comments on the Moon's valid orb with other planets in a horary chart:
"Moon moves from this past square of the Sun to the trine of 7th ruler Mercury, and...
But Moon is way out of orb with Saturn. Do I see it correctly? -Moon is early and Saturn is 28. All traditional astrologers (except some ancient Greeks) take into count orb and moiety and to them an aspect like this simply doesn't count. The planets are so out of reach they don't see each other...
The ascendant lord Mercury has a sextile with descendant lord Jupiter. The sextile is under 51 minutes so Bonatti would say it signifies what is happening right now instead of what the future holds, which is just pertinent to your question. Now sextile is a weak aspect that doesn't promise much...
Thanks for the update. I'm a bit surprised. Now that I re-read your original post, I want to note that charts cast from curiosity don't always yield accurate results. (Of course my delineation can still be wrong.) Both Bonatti and Lilly have warned of that. Horary aside, I understand it's...
If a fling, sometimes it doesn't require two planets to come together with an aspect. You two are still in orb, so you can still try. But there is no guarantee from this chart you can do it.
1. You two aren't coming together as explained by other responders. Moon being void is another negative.
2. No mystery about Jupiter. It rules 9th legal issues and 12th self-undoing. It is angular in the tenth, just 4 degrees away from the MC, shouting at you to pay attention. Jupiter is in...
Venus and Mars have a moiety of only 7. Traditionally, they are out of orb for an aspect.
Another obvious problem is that Mars will conjunct Jupiter before Venus gets to Mars, which can effect a Prohibition, because there is no guarantee Jupiter is able to collect light. Venus is out of orb...
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