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    why do you want to do this?your purpose is healing, so you see this as a treatment (psychological/mind issues)? do you just want to experience an Ayahuasca journey? are you interested in having a "magical experience"? you have to tell us the reasons so we can understand better. Nevertheless...
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    you're welcome my dear Abby i wish you and your son all the best :love:
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    Persistent unknown itching

    Hello rust Saturn in this chart is not only jupiter's (your face and body as accidental sig) dispositor (has power over your body) but signifies also your skin as a natural ruler and we also see that saturn is unbalanced (saturn is a cold and dry planet placed in a hot and moist sign) and...
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    Hello Abby, let me explain this thing once more since it troubles you to understand. mercury was at the end of the sign, so yes we could say that soon mercury will be in a better state....if mercury was at 26* pisces or if mercury was to turn retrograde then we couldn't have said mercury will...
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    Abby my answer is already in the previous comments.: you didnt understand what i said also about jupiter getting in aquarious and i explained to you why i made that distinction: and my previous comment: So i was stating the fact that you son as jupiter being in cap (in his fall) is...
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    hello Abby, i saw your comment previous week and i wanted once more to tell you this: the new school obviously is a better choice for your son, than his current one.Yes we were expecting improvements in his current school as i told you back then, but still your child is indifferent to mercury...
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    Is he a malignant person?

    No Sofie, you're not biased, he's exactly that, "bad guy"...considering that this question is a genuine one, asked with true intentions and moreover you haven't asked previously similar ones (basic rule for horary)...otherwise what we say over here may simply be invalid This guy (l7) as jupiter...
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    Lost cat

    Dear kalinka really everyone who reads this thread so far can understand how and why you said 4 saw the degree difference between saturn and Jupiter and you said 4 said it yourself so many times so far, i explained to you so many times that this is wrong, still you don't...
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    Lost cat

    Ok thank you for clarifying this Still: saturn is a natural sig for pets and not mercury(al biruni, lilly, etc) "cats, dogs, wolves, bears; serpents; animals that live under ground or under stones; animals that have a hard shell (like turtles); black animals (like scorpions, crows, etc)...
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    Lost cat

    Kallinka i am sorry but i can't follow Checking also the natural ruler for the cat and not only the accidental one, is not intuition, but a common approach in horary in lost animals or objects, for the same reason we also rarely use moon ...etc. However "intuition" would have been to say that...
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    Lost cat

    There is a popular misconception that astrology is best defined as divination. However, while divination is seen as a part of astrology, this term does not cover all of the many branches and practices of astrology. In fact, no astrologer nor any scholar who has studied astrology seriously would...
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    Lost cat

    Not to offend either, but delineating a chart based on my intuition is not astrology. That being said my dear aquarius, "intuition" tells me that "your books" are not related to horary or traditional astrology.
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    Lost cat

    no worries kallinka:smile:, i had to repeat them cause you insisted on the saturn-jupiter aspect that's all . i was simply trying to explain to you and others that astrologically there's no reasoning behind this claim, or behind tol, or even almuten. You know that rarely i respond to threads...
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    Lost cat

    No its not kalinka..i dont know how else to explain it to you in astrological terms...i tried.sun(1st chart) has separated from jupiter and about to change in case he could transfer's jupiter's light to saturn that gives 2 not 4 units of time, what you could say though in the 2nd chart...
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    Lost cat

    anyway i am glad that we agree that what you said was more likely your intuition, or perhaps mistakenly jupiter-saturn numerical difference and accidentally we have a coincidence from the first chart. Nevertheless if we want to speak about time in this chart (though was not specifically asked)...
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    Lost cat

    Kallinka if you just said " 4 units " from intuition or because you thought that jupiter will aspect saturn in cap or aquarious (because it jumped out in front of you) I dont know.You know better obviously :smile: But still this is an astrological forum and i have to explain that what you...
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    Lost cat

    i know what you wrote kallinka and this is why i explained to you that it matters..cause we don't have the aspect and astrologically you cant say that.So we cant say jupiter as the lighter planet will aspect saturn in aquarious, the moment jupiter just previously turned retrograde in cap and...
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    Lost cat

    perhaps you wrote that simply calculating the distance between their current positions (about 4 something units) ,not knowing that they wont meet in cap.... still i explained to you that this cannot be done . Although in horary we deal with symbolic time we must have the aspect and this aspect...
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    Lost cat

    My dear kallinka read my comment above.jupiter wont aspect saturn in cap, but only in aquarious (they are both retrograde and we have to wait jupiter turn direct again, change sign...etc) technically this doesn't stand astrologically speaking, we cant pass their current retrogradation...
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    Lost cat

    i am so glad you found him:love: No actually we can see that event especially in the second chart. Nevertheless the time was not asked as when and the chart is not obligated to tell us the exact time (you simply asked in the 1st chart if he will return and in the 2nd what happened to him), but...