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    Transit Chiron conjunct my Sun - pain

    Byron, I wish I'd seen your post months ago. I hope you are managing. I am just at the end of my Chiron transiting (by conjunction) natal Sun and I can tell you that it s*cks, but it does eventually end. I have it in my first house. Transiting Pluto had just entered my twelveth house when...
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    Pluto Transits

    Pluto transitted into my twelfth house right around the time my father suddenly died. Since then, all the old garbage from my family and old friends has begun to surface. For me it's been revelatory and very affirming, since most of these people really did me wrong and now they are asking ME...
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    Jupiter Chiron Neptune conjunction 26 Aquaruis

    wow, that is really interesting. My sun is in my first house. It's mostly been about my own id. But I have been having trouble with work. Employers going broke or on hiatus, financial mistakes end up costing me... etcetera. I have been having to rely much more heavily on my long time hobby...
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    Jupiter Chiron Neptune conjunction 26 Aquaruis

    My natal sun is at late 24 Aquarius. This year has been hellish, actually. A variety of physical issues, difficulty sleeping, people from the past popping up and weirding me out. Uranus has always been my friend, and I HAVE been having more than my share of sudden brilliant ideas. But I seem...
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    Pluto transits and death

    This is so interesting. I just signed up for this forum because I had the same sort of questions and concerns about Pluto transits. I'd never really noted Pluto's transits until a few years ago when it was conjunct my natal Mars and angry people seemed to be coming at me all the time. And...