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  1. M

    Will there be love this year?

    hello :) I'm really new on reading solar returns and i was wondering which points will be indicators of some new love in my life, and if i have them on my solar return chart? Thank you
  2. M

    2 grand trines in my chart??

    One of my grand trines is between my sun, my moon and jupiter, with them being in scorpio, cancer and pisces respectively, the second one is between my venus, moon and jupiter with my venus also being in scorpio. What does that mean?
  3. M

    scorpio sun cancer moon virgo rising

    What would you say about someone with scorpio sun, cancer moon and virgo rising?
  4. M

    Is this a stellium?

    Sun and venus are the conjunction right?
  5. M

    Is this a stellium?

    I have my sun, venus, juno and chiron in scorpio. Is this considered a stellium?
  6. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    Thank you so much for the helpful answers! I went to and saw the ranks. So in 1st place I have scorpio, 2nd Sagittarius and 3rd Pisces. Then on the planets in 1st place is mercury, 2nd Venus, 3rd Jupiter
  7. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    Its not a matter of needing it, i'm just trying to understand my ascendant
  8. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    well, with the combination of my sun sign (scorpio), and the asc with also mars energy, then i would lean more towrds my scorpio energy than my virgo, right?
  9. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    haha thanks. So I am in fact a plutonian? Thank you for the explanation. I've never really identified with virgo asc because I'm extremely messy and definitly not a perfectionist. So the mars influence would influence mais asc right?
  10. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    Yes I know. I was born at 3.24 am. If I had been born at 3.25 my asc would be in libra. I love to argument and discuss topics. And I am quite agressive when i do that. Even when i talk to someone im usually quite sarcastic and agressive without meaning to. Im terrible at sports. Except for...
  11. M

    Chart reading

    Can someone tell me?
  12. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    Sweet Pea, what would that mean?
  13. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    Im pretty sure but then at the same time I don't really identify with virgo nor libra. Its more like a mixture of both, and then I have mars conjunct the ascendant so I think it's a bit confunsing
  14. M

    Am I a plutonian?

    How do I know if pluto is dominant in my chart? Can someone tell me? Here it is:
  15. M

    Indicators for a future or potential meeting of an love relationship?

    Can you tell me if i have any of those aspects?
  16. M

    Aspects to Ascendant: Conjunctions and Parallels

    My asc is Virgo but I've never really identified with it. Then i realized that I have Mars in my asc. What would that combination mean?
  17. M

    Chart reading

    What my chart means?? So, im new to all of this and I wanted to know if any of you would like to read my chart? Could you also tell me what it means, emotionally and physically? Here it goes! 1st house: Virgo; 29.58 2nd house:Libra;26.24 3rd house:Scorpio;26.50 4th house:Sagittarius;29.58...