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  1. W

    Solar Return 2012 - Saturn RX in the 1st

    Hello, my birthday is tomorrow! But the solar return already happened. Last year was a great year, the SR Aries stellium in the 9th fell on my own natal aries stellium! Great transformative year! Now this year.... Libra rising, venus is the ruler. Not much going on with Venus... 2 aspects...
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    SCHOLARSHIP interview! 1pm or 2pm

    Update: Ugh, why why why. The interview is tomorrow and they said they'd rather keep it the way it was. Argh. Ok. Oh well. Wish me luck!
  3. W

    SCHOLARSHIP interview! 1pm or 2pm

    THANK YOU! That's what I thought too, switching to Leop rising. Thank you so much for your reply. Now to reschedule... I hope they can do so... thank you!
  4. W

    SCHOLARSHIP interview! 1pm or 2pm

    Help a student out: SCHOLARSHIP interview, 1pm or 2pm? Hello all, I received good news from a scholarship that I applied to (for students who show spiritual values; I applied as an artist who paints nature & places I've been to in trances) -- and they scheduled me for March 23rd, 2012 at 1PM...
  5. W

    Ugh. Once again, Wacom pen where art thou.

    Hello, everyone. This is the second time I need to find my wacom pen for an illustration project... I seriously posted this question a year ago and now I moved into a new place so... Argh. I am Libra rising, awesomely in a weird degree that's after 15 deg Libra. The pen is ruled by Mars.mars...
  6. W

    Auspicious date for an arts & healing business?

    Hello Dr. Farr! Time has passed and we've launched it on the 9th with a Leo ascendant. The sabian symbol? "Into Every Receptive A Ear, Seeking to Manifest" “The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression” Original Sabian symbol M. E. Jones, 1925. ... "In the form of a cherub, whispering...
  7. W

    Auspicious date for an arts & healing business?

    I did a little more investigation at the SN. It is considered a malfic. However, it is in the 12th house, not conjunct the Ascendant at all. Would this weakens it? Does the SN in the same sign as the asc but made weaker by a cadent house still have the same affect? (I assume you say yes, but I...
  8. W

    Auspicious date for an arts & healing business?

    Thank you very much :) I think that is a GOOOOOOOOD indication! From the natal perspective, the sn is something you are "comfortable" with in the past, and the nn is an "uncomfort zone" that makes you grow. In electional, I have a feeling it will be... backtracking?
  9. W

    Auspicious date for an arts & healing business?

    Hello everyone! I am happy to be learning astrology. However, I am wondering if this is the chart to be launched for business. Feb 9, 2:15PM Brooklyn NY About the business: We are a powerhouse of 3 humans & 2 cats. The humans, 2 are artists and 1 a journalist. We specialize in Photography &...
  10. W

    What about Saturn in the first house?

    excellent! I am sorry to hijack this thread, but I just asked a horary question about a lawsuit and I got just that! Saturn in the 1st! However... So, here's the thing. (chart attached - please see). Saturn rules the 4th house - end of matter, the verdict - and it is in the 1st house...
  11. W

    Will I get this loan?

    Bob, thank you SO much for your helpful advice. I apologize for the late reply. If you could guess I had a lot of fear and lack of confidence and conflicting thought about getting this loan. One is because the concept of having a co-signer (I am an international student) - where can I find one...
  12. W

    Will I get this loan?

    oh no. Thank you for your reply. But can you elaborate on why? For me since the moon is applying to Jupiter, I feel like it was a yes.
  13. W

    Will I get this loan?

    Hello. I'd like to see my lucky stars if I will get this loan for the school year. My credit is okay. I'm a student, and have no co-signer (my parents? Right, they're not in my life). So I feel the burden of this, was wondering if anyone can help. So, I am a sadge rising, signified by...
  14. W

    What the hell is going on?

    Well, this is what happened. After this chart, he called me, and I waited until the next day to answer. That day, we met each other at a party, where we went to his house. We always had great chemistry and compatibility (our asc are eachother's descendant) and long conversations (air moons)...
  15. W

    Will I get this job after 2 trainings?

    Argh. AH. ARGH. Haha. Ah, thank you Lily. I guess I just wanted things to go smoothly. But guess what. I just got an email today saying that I have an interview for a GRAPHIC DESIGNER position. WHat!?!???! Haha. By the way, question: How do you know the moon is void of course? I...
  16. W

    Will I get this job after 2 trainings?

    WAIT. But could this be translation of light? Venus is separating from Saturn to Mercury. Mercury loves venus and is applying 3 degrees to Venus. Venus is separating from Saturn. Also: Venus, being in the 6th house, is also a significator of the job. It describe it well, the place being...
  17. W

    Will I get this job after 2 trainings?

    Yes... this is what I think too. So, I have one more training this upcoming thursday... should I even go?
  18. W

    Will I get this job after 2 trainings?

    Hola. I applied to a restaurant job, where they said to come in for non-paid training for 2 days. After that, the owner say, "I will see if I like you" (she's french, so she's just meaning if we 'fit.' I am saturn, and the job is mars.
  19. W

    What the hell is going on?

    I also asked again about 20 minutes later with a more definite question: does he still want me...? If that might help anyone in terms of specificity...
  20. W

    What the hell is going on?

    UGH. I just recently "hooked up" with a friend. I THOUGHT that things were pretty good, considering his long crush on me, and his ways of luring me into bed. I thought things were sweet and perfect. We spoke (texted) until I invited him over and haven't heard from him since... So, what's up? I...