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  1. A

    Timing chart for contact.

    What do you mean when you say "Mercury in Triplicity and Face of Venus?" Important : Moon cannot be co-ruler of the querent when Moon is actually L7 in a relationship question. It is only co-significator of the querent when there is another Sign ruling the 7th House. And "Venus ruled by...
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    Timing chart for contact.

    Why is Mars relevant in this chart? As what? Signifying what or whom? Mars can't translate light if that's what you mean by 'translates'. Venus is the faster moving planet and therefore Venus can aspect Mars but not the other way around. In horary, the orb of any aspect is important too...
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    Wheres my only Paternal Uncle's location

    Hi Your father's brother is signified by the ruler of the 6th House - i.e 3rd from the 4th (your father). Mars rules the 6th and Mars is in the 6th which means your uncle is at home. His home and normal environment. So, if he normally lives in Cyprus then that is where he is shown at the time...
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    Timing chart for contact.

    To judge timing, there needs to be an aspect so you can count the degrees between the two planets involved. The time units then have to be based on common sense and what is actually possible, given the circumstances of the question. There are 3 possibilities of time units - always. Firstly...
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    Do aspects have to be applying to be a ‘yes’ answer

    Yes and yes - PROVIDED THAT the degrees of the 2 planets are within their moiety. For instance, if Moon in Pisces was at 25deg and Sun in Sag was at 14 deg, then there is NOT an applying aspect and 'dexter' or sympathetic square is irrelevant in Horary. Moon at later degrees than Sun is not...
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    Do aspects have to be applying to be a ‘yes’ answer

    There are "dexter" = to the right, i.e squares which can be read as positive and almost the same as trines. There are "sinister" = to the left, i.e squares which are (as their name suggests) sinister and negative. This can affect an interpretation, of course. If it's an applying "bad" square...
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    Is my Venus in my third or fourth house?

    Hi - Yes. Your Venus is in the 3rd House using the Placidus House system, as you have here in this chart. This is the default House system used by However, if you use the Whole Sign House system, your Venus would be in the 4th House because Taurus would be the Sign on the 4th House...
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    What is the reason behind his ignorance?

    Here's my thinking on this: You are L1, the Sun. Your friend (the guy) is L11, Mercury. Your friend's romantic interest (you believe) is Jupiter, and there's certainly no reason to believe he's stopped being 'romantically' involved in some way because Mercury is moving towards a trine with...
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    Do aspects have to be applying to be a ‘yes’ answer

    Do you assign the Ex of your Ex a significator based on her relationship to you? I would say, definitely not. Her suspected relationship is to him, not to you, in relation to this question. So, just ignore you, for now. Does L1 apply to L7? or vice versa? If not, the answer is no, they are...
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    Missing cat

    Hi, I'm so sorry your cat has gone missing. A chart for the time that a cat (or missing person for that matter) was last seen, can also be judged as a Horary chart. So, I've used your location details for 11 Oct 2019, 9:20 am, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 18N28, 7W55, Regiomontanus House System...
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    Help reading chart for missing friend

    Hi - Just quickly, ruler of the 11th is your friend, shown by Saturn which is in the 10th, in good condition because he's in his own Sign, Capricorn. Lilly says that if a missing person is in the 9th, 10th, or 11th House, it is very likely that he is alive. Also, Saturn is separating (not...
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    is it a third house matter?

    Hi - Here are my thoughts :
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    Will I get this job?

    Seeing as this is a job that is not of the level you really want, it might be classified as a 6th House job of hard work rather than a 10th House job which is more of a career/professional job that you would want to work at. So, looking at it that way, ruler of 6th is Saturn in the 6th and Moon...
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    Will I get new Job soon.

    ____________ Well, you'd think that L1 in 10th would be positive - but it really needs to be the other way around (L10 in 1st) and that's the best way it will happen in a horary and when there's a specific job that you're asking about. My difficulty is that you're asking about a job that...
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    Is my cell phone recharger in my living room?

    No, you don't have to do that. Where is the cell phone recharger? is your question and it's quite adequate. It's signified by Mercury in the 9th House - and Mercury is a universal signifier of technological items like this. Its location should be southwest, near a school or university or...
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    Will I get new Job soon.

    Can you give some more background or context to this question, please? You ask 'Will I get a better job opportunity soon?' which seems to imply that - a) either you are looking for a job and have had an offer already that is not satisfactory. Or, b) do you mean to imply that you have a job...
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    Nursing/psychology ?

    Hi, In Lee Lehman's book "The Book of Rulerships" shows NURSES : Moon, AB249; GA972; LI081. This book is an excellent resource and is the result of her extensive research into sources for using planets to signify certain things. The prefix AB indicates al Biruni. GA indicates Gadbury while...
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    When will I get a job?

    Since 9.5 months has already passed, yes, you could ask another question. Have you had no positive responses to your job applications? Not even a nibble? This time, try to be more specific - e.g if there is a particular company that you want to work for that uses your skill set, you could...
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    Will Trump lose the US election?

    Just a brief post mortem of my horary on the election result which was clearly a wrong judgment. Rafaella was spot on with the antiscion point for L10 ... I missed the antiscion - the ‘shadow’ point - of the presidency/job itself. Every planet has this ‘shadow’ point signifying ‘behind the...