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  1. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Hi there Astrologer50 Is this the correct chart? When i took a look I noticed the moon is in the 3rd house. S
  2. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Hi Amitkumar That's brilliant!:biggrin: Good luck and best wishes for the future S
  3. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Ok I just want to clarify the above. What I mean is the mother was inattentive or negligent of the child's needs or even went as far as abandonment. My mother hurt me deeply this way and I became a child who was insecure, clingy and distrusting of others. Emotional attachment is a very...
  4. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Hi Astrologer50 With regards to having any medium ship/psychic abilities, I am highly intuitive as well as an emotional empath. My mind is very perceptive although I think that is more my Mercury/Uranus conjunct in Scorpio. My mother wasn't bossy, she was an immature, neglective, unemotional...
  5. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Hi Astrologer50 Wow! Those are some very powerful planets to be squaring your friends moon. Are you able to post their chart? S
  6. ScorpioMC20

    8th house moon

    Hi everyone I have my moon in the 8th house. It is in Libra 7' conjunct Saturn 7' and Jupiter 6' square Mars in Capricorn 7' in the 11th house. For me family, my mother and emotions have always been a deep source of pain, hurt, responsibility and duty in life. I'm not too sure about how...