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  1. V

    Old flame/Spouse

    Situations are created due to past karma. We don't just bump into other people.
  2. V

    Saint chart

    In absolute term dosha or raja yoga both are equal for a saint as he is above them. Yes indications are there of saintly person in your chart. Only benifics from 3rd and 6th from Aruda Lagna Your spiritual life will be strengthened by association with saintly people.
  3. V

    Is this you? fond of short trips A very courageous person with leadership qualities Also, did...

    Is this you? fond of short trips A very courageous person with leadership qualities Also, did you start a service this year 6/22?
  4. V

    I thought we were soulmates, will we be together again?

    This is a western chart that you pasted on a vedic astrology group. To make things simple for us, give details in this format: Name or Gender, D.O.B., Time of Birth Place of birth Thank you
  5. V

    I thought we were soulmates, will we be together again?

    Can you tell which of these is your birth date?
  6. V

    Marriage related question

    Hello Piscesruler Your wedding may take place around 2/2026, based on your chart. Is there a chance to marry a foreigner? Probably not but you might find someone from your workplace a good candidate. Marriage will probably change your life for the better. Note : These are indicative...
  7. V

    debilitated Saturn

    What will happen when Saturn is in Aries in all the varga charts (5th house in the raashi chart)?
  8. V

    Is there a marriage for me how it will happen

    Marriage will be late but good. It can be around 3/28. There can be some chances around 6/24 as well