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  1. P

    Do You Have A Grand Trine?

    A program (runs on Windows) which is good for finding aspect patterns (including grand trines) is A screenshot from this program is attached, showing a grand trine in green, Mars-Saturn-Uranus on Sept. 14, 2001; with the Moon they form a kite aspect.
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    Black Monday

    Starting at 9 am EDT the Dow-Jones Index dropped 1000 points. It is interesting to compare the geocentric and heliocentric planetary aspects for this time. The following charts were made using the software described here. The geocentric chart shows a grand trine (Moon-Venus-Uranus): The...
  3. P

    Vladimir Putin: Uranus square natal Uranus

    The two images (charts) in the post above were displayed OK when this post was first put up, but not now (at least, I don't see them). They remain in their original locations. Something strange here. Here are the URLs, not using the [IMG] tag...
  4. P

    Vladimir Putin: Uranus square natal Uranus

    The PAT software can be used to find dates of exact transits. A good example is the date of Uranus forming a square aspect to VVP's natal Uranus. First his (geocentric) natal chart. Note that he has a rare 4-stellium, Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Neptune, with Uranus square to all four planets...
  5. P

    Uranus return

    A Uranus return is when Uranus returns to the position it holds in your natal chart. Most people don't live to see their Uranus return, but a lot do. For example, Sir Isaac Newton. Newton was born on 4 Jan 1643 (Gregorian Calendar), at which time Uranus was at 15 Scorpio 40. It returned to...
  6. P

    Heliocentric and geocentric planetary transits software

    I have recently released software entitled 'Heliocentric Planetary Aspects and Transits' (HPAT), which is a heliocentric version of my older 'Planetary Aspects and Transits' software. These two programs (which were inspired by the work of Richard Tarnas) are described at PAT...
  7. P

    Free 20-day personal planetary transits forecast

    A 20-day personal planetary transits forecast at enables you to obtain a list of the start dates and end dates of all personal planetary transits (for aspects conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile) during the next 20 days for a given...
  8. P

    5 yods and a 4-stellium in late March 2013

    I saved the image of the 5 yods and since it has now been replaced by another I reproduce it here:
  9. P

    5 yods and a 4-stellium in late March 2013

    The Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus get together (in Aries) in late March, and with Jupiter and Saturn they form four yods. A fifth yod is formed by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. You can see an image of this at this page: I expect this image...
  10. P

    Hurricane sandy

    I note that there has been no mention in this thread of the T-square currently formed by Venus, Pluto and Uranus. Here is the PAT chart showing the planetary alignments at 5 p.m. EST on November 1, when the Venus-Uranus opposition was exact. With an orb of 9° for oppositions and 7° for...
  11. P

    When have all the planets aligned?

    I cannot find that with the software I have at hand. It would have to be done by means of a program written specifically for that purpose. Not very difficult, I suspect, but also not easy, and not something that could be done between breakfast and dinner. But an obstacle is that the...
  12. P

    When have all the planets aligned?

    Both conjunction and opposition are "axial" alignments, so one could have an axial alignment of all the planets if they were all pairwise either conjunct or opposite (allowing a generous orb for these two aspects). It would take a little work to discover whether this has occurred within the...
  13. P

    When have all the planets aligned?

    Richard Tarnas discusses the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the Axial Age in his book Cosmos & Psyche. During 1600-2100 Neptune and Pluto become conjunct in just one period of a couple of decades. Three 12°-conjunctions occurred from 1882 to 1902. Here is the transit...
  14. P

    When have all the planets aligned?

    Here's an instance (I suppose it is extremely rare) where the Sun, Moon and five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Neptune) are all pairwise conjunct -- actually at the time shown the maximum pairwise separation is 8°50'. Also they are all in Capricorn.
  15. P

    Astrologers Predict Obama Win over Romney

    One approach to looking at the Obama-Romney presidential contest is to look at their personal transits on election day. Since there are more or less, depending on the value chosen for the orbs, I reduced the number to just a few by considering only the transiting-planet/natal-planet aspects...
  16. P

    Transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Pluto and other interesting transits

    mpalardy's Saturn conjunct Pluto transit is over, but Saturn has more in store for him during 2013-2015, as shown by the following two transit tables: Transiting Saturn square natal Venus: Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Uranus: Asterisks on dates signify exact squares and exact...
  17. P

    Transit tables

    Some readers may have concluded from the two examples of transit tables that I gave in my first message in this thread that transit tables are always fairly simple and not so difficult to interpret. That's actually not the case. The two examples that I gave were selected for simplicity so that...
  18. P

    Transit tables

    Peregrine_Moon remarked that in this forum people are often working on questions of meaning and direction. That's certainly true (although this forum is for consideration of all things astrological, not just for questions regarding the interpretation of natal charts and related personal...
  19. P

    Transit tables

    Well, thanks for asking. My understanding of personal transits (when a moving planet forms an aspect with a planet in one's natal chart) is that the effect on our individual lives is due to the transiting planet itself, and that it does not depend on how astrologers set up natal charts. To...
  20. P

    Transit tables

    That seems to me rather an exaggeration. It's true that it's possible to get the same results with a lot of work, but, for example, how much work would be needed from your preferred astrology software program to get all the dates and times (including the time of exact square aspects) in the...