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  1. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Yes I see that too now. And in the week I was 'dishonorably discharged', I received an offer from another IT company from the US, Apple. Seems the (Uranian) times are pushing me in a direction that is not quite in line with my Capricorn Sun (which is also under influence of Pluto right now)...
  2. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Yes, I see. I've just been very abruptly thrown out of a large (professional) organization (Google in fact), but I think now that 11th house situations of a quite different kind may be more helpful to me.
  3. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    First of all, know that I'm really, truly grateful for your extended, clear and in-depth interpretation. I've read it twice now, and there is a lot to take in, but mostly I'm still grateful that someone has actually taken the time and effort to do this. Most, if not all, of your words strike...
  4. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    I've had a go. You mean like this?
  5. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Thanks for your comment, but I'm not really sure if I know to pull off the more detailed chart you describe...
  6. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Ah yes, thanks, might look into that as well. I hadn't thought of the influence of sagittarius there, to be honest, but now that you mention it, it does make sense. Guess that goes show my conscious identification is more with the Scorpio part. Also, I just noticed, there's Venus on the cusp of...
  7. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Thanks a lot! Lots of things to think about there. There's a few I had considered before, but also quite a bit that's new to me as well. I also thought though, that a Scorpio Venus/Ascendant would attach great importance to meaningful relations right? But I can see how, given the other...
  8. K

    Any way to lessen the effect of Venus in Scorpio?

    That's weird; I think part of my reply was deleted as well...
  9. K

    Pluto/Scorpio Intensity hyperdrive - am I doomed

    Hi there! It's been really interesting reading this thread. I was born a few weeks after you (3 Jan 1987 in fact), so have the same Venus-Mars trine in Scorpio-Pisces. My longest 'relationship' has hardly been two days, so I guess that won't give you a whole lot of hope for the future... I'm...
  10. K

    Natal Question About Love/Romance

    Hi everyone, I'm kind of new to astrology, but I'd be really grateful if some of you could share your thoughts on my natal chart as relating to love/romance. So far (I'm 26 yrs) 'love' has been mainly a source of frustration, disappointmens, even lost apartments and jobs to me. Though I'm...
  11. K

    Any way to lessen the effect of Venus in Scorpio?

    As a Venus in Scorpio type myself, I'd rather be involved with those I feel deeply for and make a mess of it... [deleted response to possibly trolling posts - Moderator]
  12. K


    Thanks for the comment and information. I've always considered the possibility of a virus infection with all the Neptune influence, but quite a few have been tested I believe. But a herpes-type disease or toxoplasmosis (both of which run in the family) might be worth testing for. As for the...
  13. K


    Hi Janus, Thanks for your suggestions and my apologies for this belated reply. Especially the bit about the current Pluto transit through Capricorn makes a lot of sense to me. This is something I have been considering for a while. In my chart, both the masculine/assertive planets Mars and Sun...
  14. K


    I do not have much experience with horary astrology, so I'm not sure what information you would need exactly. I went to the GP the 22nd of March (1 pm), and have an appointment in the hospital the 17th of April (10 am) for more detailed testing. Both were/are in Amsterdam, the Netherlands...
  15. K


    Hi, Thanks for your thoughts. The pronounced Saturn influence might be something to consider. It also struck me that you mention the Venus-Neptune midpoint, which is indeed closely conjunct my natal Saturn - which does fit with a certain tendency towards over-idealization/romanticism (and...
  16. K


    Thanks for the reply. Yes, the Pluto transit might be a big part of it. Interesting that you also mention the Mars-Uranus square; I hadn't really thought of it in this connection, since it's usually associated with nervous tension, accident proneness, etc. But with the Pisces Mars and both in...
  17. K


    Hi everyone, Though I've always needed more sleep than others, over the past four years my fatigue has gotten worse, to the point that I'm currently unable to work. I also suffer from chronic headaches and throat problems. So far, medical tests have only yielded a deficit in white blood cells...
  18. K

    Children's Book Author???

    Sorry, that's what I meant of course. We use different names here, so I get these two mixed up at times.
  19. K

    Neptune Transits and 'the Club of 27'

    Perhaps you're right. Then again, most of these deaths were related to drowning / drugs / alcohol, or other Neptunian themes. In other words, they seemed to be due to the person slipping away from material existence on earth, which I suggest more with the Neptunian wish for dissolution.
  20. K

    Children's Book Author???

    Yes, that's usually more associated with Scorpio influences; on the other hand, your Scorpio stellium makes a trine to the MC, so that suggests you might be able to integrate them fairly easy with your career possibilities (which have to do more with children). Somethinig else that strikes me...