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Astrologers' Community

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  1. D


    A post script on fear. I've noticed the mutable sun signs seem afraid to be alone or cut off from people. It seems theys feel reassured and affirmed when they have a good social network. Dunnea
  2. D


    I agree on the 12th house. I think of it as the button pushing house - when someone pushes our subconscious buttons in this house we retreat or react. People with strong 12 or having a transit there can pick up collective fears and might want to avoid absorbing too much TV news or frightening...
  3. D

    Spotting Astrologers

    Hi, Are you talking about when you meet for the first time or casual acquantance or coworker/friend you are comfortable talking with? Are you afraid if you express your own interest in astrology, you may be considered "weird" or come under attack? I live in an area that is in the Bible...