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  1. whitey

    will i get this job?

    I did took an exam but I was not invited for an interview.
  2. whitey

    Do I get an another job before the end of the year?

    Thanks Rafaella and AQ7. Well, I was working in one country in South America where I was with a contract which ended during this month. I was trying to get an another job (any job) before it ended but I could not. I am currently back in my home country, looking for another employment. I...
  3. whitey

    Do I get an another job before the end of the year?

    no i did not get a job. horary doesnt work for me.
  4. whitey

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    My bf just asked me to spit up so asked are we really splitting up. Death seems to be yes. :( I am leaving Queen of Wands.
  5. whitey

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I was supposed to have been notified of a result of my job application yesterday but so far no news. So I asked if i hear the outcome by tomorrow. I take 4 of disks is yes and outcome is positive. I am leaving.... Knight of Swords Good luck! whitey
  6. whitey

    When do i hear the results of a job interview?

    (update) I have just received a news that I didnt get a job right now. So it is actually 2 months after the interview date.
  7. whitey

    When do i hear the results of a job interview?

    Hi friends, This chart is actually asking about when I will hear the results of a job interview I sat in late September2012. I ams till waiting to hear the result and being anxious. Late ascendant seems to show that I somehow know the result...although I am not in real life. I know I had a...
  8. whitey

    Do I get an another job before the end of the year?

    (update) I am still waiting for a result of a job application I made a while ago and working for the same job as I had at the time of reading. I think I will wait til the end of december to report back on the restult. Thank you!
  9. whitey

    this time, a serious relationship?

    Thank you both! Yes, I feel the situation is still uncertain and I also feel me seeing him is largely dependant on the fact that if I get a job in Europe or not. I keep you updated if there is any news before the end of the year but if not, please consider it the answer is no.
  10. whitey

    this time, a serious relationship?

    Hello there, I was dating a guy about 7 years ago in a very unusual circunstances and we separated. We kept a good terms but always lived in different counties far apart. Last week, he wrote me a mail saying maybe we should try it again to see if can have serious relationship. I am about to...
  11. whitey

    Selecting a right timing (job application)

    (uppdate) Just to let you know that today I was informed officially that I was rejected.
  12. whitey

    Transit neptune opposing natal mars

    My natal mars in 11th house (2 virgo) is being opposed by transit neptune in 5th house (2 pis) now till 2014. I am really concerned to live this for long time as I have been through lots of deception already and I cannot bear more let downs. Anyone could share their stories of how it turned...
  13. whitey

    when will i move from here

    Dear all, I had a same title thread in horary career section because then, my move was conditioned by the extension of my work contract which was completed in April 2012. This time, I asked for my physical move from this country since my health is not so good and I am not confident enough to...
  14. whitey

    Selecting a right timing (job application)

    (update) So far there is absolutely no news about the application I made. Unless I post otherwise, please consider that the answer was negative.
  15. whitey

    will i get this job?

    (update) Just to let you know that I did not make it to the interview.
  16. whitey

    will i get this job?

    Dr. Farr, Just out of curiosity, I have elected a chart based on the exam time as well and that one is totally negative. I will report back how it goes but so far no invitation for interview was made hence very likely that I lost it. Thanks, whitey
  17. whitey

    will i get this job?

    In such case of event chart, I should elect a chart based on the time the exam starts?
  18. whitey

    will i get this job?

    Dr. Farr, I have another question. So I just received a mail inviting me for a written exam for a certain time/day. In such case, should i elect a chart according to that time/date that was specified? I think there is also possible to make a chart according the time the mail was sent. What...
  19. whitey

    Selecting a right timing (job application)

    Dr. Farr, I just want to check with you if you see any elements that make you doubt the successful outcome in the first chart. Despite the other recent post, this is my first preference for work and I am desparate to see this comes out before than the other- although other called me for a...