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  1. EdgesOnCircles

    Lost in career:

    We have some similarities :joyful: I'm studying biochemistry and have an interest in computer programming, but I have a hard time accepting one subject. I want a taste of everything and I think it's because my Neptune is unaspected other than a sextile with Pluto (I believe everyone since 1942...
  2. EdgesOnCircles

    What is the meaning of a stellium in 8th?

    Scorpio 176 - I thought your moon placement was interesting but I'm not a professional astrologist and I enjoy links such as :lol: Anywho, like Miquar already mentioned, the moon opposing the Ascendant or conjuncting the Descendant is a very important aspect in your chart. I...
  3. EdgesOnCircles

    What is the meaning of a stellium in 8th?

    I always hear parents asking whether or not it's better to get a divorce or stick together for the kids when the chemistry is nonexistent. I suppose a divorce is only healthy when both parents maintain a relationship with the children and keep a neutral attitude between each other. I'm on the...
  4. EdgesOnCircles

    Air people with no fire

    Wouldn't say it's much better to have a fire dominant chart and zilch air. There's a lot of energy and ideas, but no way to express it easily - at least that's how I feel. Kinda smolders the flame if you know what I mean...
  5. EdgesOnCircles

    Your Favorite Astrology Sites

    Astrology Scope is a 3D natal chart designed with Adobe Flash Player. The chart itself is fully interactive with a side menu to change house systems, location, time and date of birth. It's pretty nifty :joyful: Unfortunately, I prefer the Whole house system but Equal, Placidus, and Porphyry...
  6. EdgesOnCircles

    Do you look like your ascendant?

    Ha I would think so...I'm a rising Aries with ruling Mars in Scorpio and I have a "tough, headstrong look" - prominent brow and nose. Not sure if I would call it athletic with a solar Sagittarian influence. I know for certain I didn't get my height from that department at only 5'0". I also...
  7. EdgesOnCircles

    Why are the most 'spiritual' countries/people worse off

    I agree with StillOne that the definition of "success" varies from person to person and material wealth may not be a factor. Reminds me of the poem, Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson - the people looked up to Cory because they thought he was everything that defines a successful man, but...
  8. EdgesOnCircles

    What a Woman Finds Attractive…Venus OR Mars?

    Hm, I can't argue this since my 7th house is planet-less and it's in Leo...ruled by the Sun. I think that works out just because I want someone with a similar personality and interests. Or maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.
  9. EdgesOnCircles

    What a Woman Finds Attractive…Venus OR Mars?

    I'm somewhat similar to Naomi with Venus in Capricorn and a lot of 9th house/Sagittarius influences...pretty awesome that she has her Moon and Sun together, I'm jealous lol. I have my Sun in Sagittarius (fire) and my Moon in Scorpio (water) so I feel like I contradict myself a lot. Anywho - I...
  10. EdgesOnCircles

    What's So Wrong With Sugar?

    :sideways: It's great if you can afford healthy/organic foods all the time...but then again the cost of a root canal tacks onto the bill of cheap processed foods. I'd like to grow a green thumb, lol...
  11. EdgesOnCircles

    5th house and want of children

    5th house Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius - haaaa ok I'm not fond of sacrifices. Adoption might be ideal if I ever decided to raise a young sprout...but I need to raise myself and I don't think I'll ever get there - Peter Pan syndrome. I'll adopt a kitten instead, lol. =^.^=
  12. EdgesOnCircles

    Do you believe in curses?

    Have you ever seen The Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson and Gena Rowlands? Basically there's a bit of voodoo magic going on, but until Kate Hudson believes in this magic it doesn't seem to have any effect. I believe that's how "magic" works in general. I suppose if you believe in something long...
  13. EdgesOnCircles

    More than one sign in a house

    Hehe, I tend to "poo-poo" placidus since it throws Pluto, Mars and the Moon in the 7th house of my chart and I cannot relate to any of it...unless you can interpret the 3 planets as taking on aspects of the 8th house since they are all closer to the ending of the 7th and the cusp of the 8th. As...
  14. EdgesOnCircles

    More than one sign in a house

    Thanks dr. farr, I'll have to take a look at both systems. I normally use Porphyry because well...I simply got used to it. In my case porphyry split the houses fairly evenly in my chart, but practically skipped signs in a friend's chart. I might need to re-evaluate my own chart since there...
  15. EdgesOnCircles

    Your "Destiny" & the North Node

    Hm do you find comfort in religion or ideology by any chance? My guess is that you naturally throw a lot of your emotional energy (cancer) into a religion (9th house) to understand sentimental experiences you may have... And with your NN in the 3rd house, Capricorn - you may find real answers...
  16. EdgesOnCircles

    More than one sign in a house

    My apologies if there have been numerous posts on this topic in the past so "link me up" if that's the case :biggrin: Say you are reading a natal chart and the cusp of the first house is in Sagittarius (24 degrees) so that Capricorn spans the remainder of the 1st house and Aquarius makes up the...
  17. EdgesOnCircles

    the Cap Stellium of 1988-1991

    Kinda surprised I didn't notice this before...I have a friend born in 91 and he has a major Cap stellium: Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Sun and N.N. all in the 2nd house (Capricorn). He can play the guitar and piano that I know of and is interested in recording music. It's his passion but...
  18. EdgesOnCircles

    Age Grouping of Members on Forum

    With advanced technology I wouldn't be surprised if parents start a trend. Instead of the hospital distributing birth certificates, they'll hand out natal charts :biggrin: "Ma'me, unless you want an unruly miserable child, I would not suggest having a C-section today." :andy:
  19. EdgesOnCircles

    What's the Weirdest/Most Unique Thing About Your Chart (and why)?

    Personally I think so unless there is something else in their chart that really makes them fearless. Of course there are aspects in a chart that can exacerbate the fear of relationships to avoid hurting someone or getting hurt yourself. I would say my Moon in Scorpio doesn't gives me...
  20. EdgesOnCircles

    What's the Weirdest/Most Unique Thing About Your Chart (and why)?

    It's so interesting that my chart is not so interesting lol!! First glance and it looks empty. I would say my chart makes me a walking contradiction. Due to Pluto in the 8th house (Scorpio) I'm more of a private person yet I have all of my planets with the exception of Jupiter in the northern...