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  1. Raquel

    I'm still confused... Am I a Cancer or Leo rising?

    Do you know how to do it?
  2. Raquel

    I'm still confused... Am I a Cancer or Leo rising?

    I heard that ascendant can tell allot about your physicall features. And some people who share the same ascendant share many similar traits. I'm not sure about my exact time of birth, i just know that I can be a Cancer or Leo rising.
  3. Raquel

    I'm still confused... Am I a Cancer or Leo rising?

    Being myself a Libra Sun and Pisces moon, do you think I resemble more like a Cancer or a Leo rising? This is very important to me. Thank you :wink:
  4. Raquel

    Any techniques to predict a marriage?

    Hello everyone, Can we predict a long term relationship ev. a marriage with astrology? If so, HOW? Thank you:happy:
  5. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    Thanks :) Actually I'm living together with "Luks" for about 4 years and we are together for 6 years. The relationship is going to a crisis... And I'm not in love. The other one, is a just a friend... at least, yet...:sad: About my relationship... we don't have goals together... And the only...
  6. Raquel

    Another guess the celebrities ascendant game

    Sag rising... or strong in his chart.
  7. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    What do you think about these aspects in the first sinastry chart? Sun conjunct Moon Sun trine Venus Moon sextil Mercury Moon conjunct Sun Venus trine Sun Venus trine Mars Venus trine moon ...
  8. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    Thank you dr.farr
  9. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    Here are both sinastries... I see more potential in the first one... but maybe I'm wrong...
  10. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    Thank you very much I really apreciate it. I will upload the sinastry charts if you would like to take a look too :D
  11. Raquel

    Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

    Between these two composites which relationship (if you were me) would you prefer astrologically speaking and why? Thank you :kissing:
  12. Raquel

    I need some advice, two composites to analyse, who wants to help?

    I ask you please, to describe, this 2 relationships based on the 2 composites. I have perfect notion that's just speculation, so don't worry. Thank you for you atention :joyful:
  13. Raquel

    Anyone whose Sun, Moon or ASC Sign responds to parents Sun, Moon, ASC/any planet?

    Sure:happy: My father is Leo sun with Libra moon... and my mother Scorpio Sun, Pisces rising and scorpio moon... I've got Libra sun, Leo Ascendant and Pisces moon in the 8th house. My father is Jupiter in Cancer, so am i:kissing:
  14. Raquel

    Chances to be a long term relationship?

    .... I will post a new one
  15. Raquel

    Which Venus Sign this sentence is more related to?

    And if I tell you that was wroten by a Pisces moon in the 8th house? makes any sense?
  16. Raquel

    Which Venus is more passionate phisically speaking?

    To me how we love and how we want love is totally the moon involved. I'm talking about LUST and that's Venus, and yes, I agree with mars too.
  17. Raquel

    Which Venus is more passionate phisically speaking?

    Most of you, would say... SCORPIO... but take a minute to think, have you ever had experiences with a scorpio venus? Because I have some relatives and friends, with venus in scorpio, that are very shy, reserved and passive in this aspect... try to talk about facts and not about theory written...
  18. Raquel

    Sun in Third House

    Very good :) Can you say something too, about moon in the 8th house? (Pisces Rasi)
  19. Raquel

    Rising signs/eyebrows & eye shapes?

    Hello :wink: I agree, the moon sign has more to do with our eyes than rising or sun. But I've been told that I have a "mean" eye sight... and these people are my friends/family, so... that's a litle bit strange to me. I love yout glasses :) And by the way you are so cute, I can see the...
  20. Raquel

    Rising signs/eyebrows & eye shapes?

    Hello everyone, It would be funny to compare eyebrows and eye shapes, through rising signs. Say also what's your moon, it can be also very important. Please, post some pics :lol: (I don't have any pics just from my eyes alone, but you can have an idea through my profile picture... Leo...