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  1. DiDi

    lost my ring

    delite because it was obviously boring
  2. DiDi

    hi, how are you?

    hi, how are you?
  3. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Ill take the queen of wands which is describing myself at the moment and appropriately pushing me to allow myself to be the queen of wands by getting in touch with the passionate side of myself along with other things. I leave the 7 of wands
  4. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I asked if there was someone out there for me 8 of swords fits its holding yourself back because a fear of moving into the future, or because i might be wary of getting hurt by a new situation.( Psychic Revelation) I leave the Knight Of Cups :wink:
  5. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    that answered my question well.. :biggrin: for the next person I leave the 7 of wands
  6. DiDi

    Who called me with a blocked number?

    cause they dont actually have the balls to go through with it :whistling: lol all the best:wink:
  7. DiDi

    Who called me with a blocked number?

    Hi anjelik I havent been here for a while and may be quite rusty but from what i learnt about callers we take mars sign to venus in aqu in 5th house so booty call i think? your mercury at 1 pis caller is 3rd mars in lib and libra ruler venus so the call was venus in aqu in 5th house.
  8. DiDi

    where did mal go?

    im gone... lost all faith
  9. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    its not the fading i didnt know the style card sorry Im leaving the 2 of penticles
  10. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    whos that RisingSag ? is that the devil?
  11. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    asking about some private numbers calling my mobile 7 of swords tells me someone with less than ethical intentions leaving the hanged man
  12. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    asking what ive got to look forward to ace cups yes please :) leaving the 6 of penticles
  13. DiDi

    lot of truth

    thanks seems we are ahead of time lol actually it seems like i will have to book my self in for a brain transplant i forgot this site tells the date showing the month first we here would write 4/1/2013 day month year please forget i was here :(
  14. DiDi

    lot of truth

    no my question is not related to this post title On the left hand margin here when we answer someone there is a date and time of last post here it says 1/4/2013 left hand of your responce to appleberry im just wondering if this is on your computer to or my computer is out of wack...
  15. DiDi

    lot of truth

    dr farr hi and hope you had a great xmas the date you last wrote on here what is it cause on my side it says 01-04-2013, 02:56 PM
  16. DiDi

    weird welcome message from AC

    haha yep pretty true heat the other day was 45deg cel or 113 feirenheight.. adelaide has it as bad as darwin or alice springs here in aussie land.
  17. DiDi

    weird welcome message from AC

    Welcome, DiDi. You last visited: 01-04-2013 at 11:10 PM Welcome, DiDi. You last visited: 01-04-2013 at 11:10 PM welcome DiDi you last visited 01-04-2013 at 11.10pm lol I have allways been ahead of the times hehehe Welcome, DiDi. You last visited: 01-04-2013 at 11:10 PM
  18. DiDi

    will we get together again? Help please!

    hi moon is passing from a trine to saturn so you are moving away from him (prob not in real life but that is the aspect here) also moon is not going on to aspect anything so you left out so to speak i do see that you the moon will trine the north node a lucky point but not sure some people...
  19. DiDi


    it must be sent from spirit
  20. DiDi

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Asking what is someone thinking about me if i mean anything to them still? The lovers could mean that someone is rethinking our situation and good to know im still on that someones mind. I leave the 6 of swords