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  1. Lissa

    Mixing dignities; the results?

    Once again thank you so much Anachiel,you made that clear for me!I really appreciate your metaphors,very clarifying :) Cheers, Lissa
  2. Lissa

    Mixing dignities; the results?

    Yes I can see that,many thanks :) Could you please explain a little about planets in detriment/fall but conjunct angles?And mutual reception between planets that are either peregrine or detrimented/in fall (say Venus in Aries and Sun in Pisces exalting each other)?
  3. Lissa

    SR 2012 Career, plus Saturn-Moon & Venus-Uranus

    Thank you for attending my request Gemastro :) As for your questions: Career wise,I think this year will continue being rough for you...ruler of the MC is Venus which is retro and peregrine sitting on the SN,sextile Uranus but square Chiron and Neptune(I like the orbs a little...
  4. Lissa

    Mixing dignities; the results?

    What about planets in debility/fall but in their face or term?
  5. Lissa

    Career Possibilities - The Journey of a Pisces MC

    RealityStarfish,I'm going to speak to you mostly in terms of my personal experience...I don't have a Pisces MC but a Pisces Sun with Libra MC.Reading your post was like seeing myself and my interests:writing,literature,psychology.But we have to be honest,a career in writing or the arts isn't...
  6. Lissa

    SR 2012 Career, plus Saturn-Moon & Venus-Uranus

    Hi gemastro, Could you please post the SR chart alone(without the asteroids)? Thank you, Lissa
  7. Lissa

    SR for 2012 - Violence?

    Thank you once more yelena, Yes returns are fascinating,I love to read examples on planetary returns and how what specific events happened during them.There's no better way to learn than that. Medical astrology is very interesting,must delve into that...when I have the time! Cheers and...
  8. Lissa

    SR for 2012 - Violence?

    Hi Yelena,thank you so much for your input!Having a good friend would be nice already!I wasn't considering the aspects to the 10th house so it's great that you brought that up to my atention.I have a part time job and I'm still in college but I am hoping to find something in my field of studies...
  9. Lissa

    Is he playing games?

    The point of this thread is getting an astro perspective on this horary chart.Since your participation in this has ended,hope some of the more knowledgeable astrologers get their input in for further discussion. Thank you, Lissa
  10. Lissa

    SR for 2012 - Violence?

    Hi yelena,thank you again so much for looking at this:happy: I'm not doing synastry between me and the guy because I don't even know his birthdate and don't want to do anything that could be interpreted as an interest from my part.At work we are very restricted in terms of moving around,taking...
  11. Lissa

    SR for 2012 - Violence?

    Hi Yelena,thank you for the nice compliment:happy: Not sure about my chart.Natally I have a 6th house Mars in Geminim, square my 3rd house Pisces Sun, trine Libra MC and quincunx Pluto.Doesn't seem violent I think.But the charts of people who suffer violence aren't always that straightforward...
  12. Lissa

    Is he playing games?

    Honestly I don't find him's jsut the way we are playful with each other.It doesn't upset me.And a 'free' relationship is what I want...being close to him made me realise how much I miss having someone physically close.So I just want someone who I ca be with,when we both want...
  13. Lissa

    Is he playing games?

    To add more into this...I have the very clear feeling he's playing me as he keeps teasing me,calling me ugly names like a child,and then complaining I'm the one who's always messing with him :pinched: Last night we were texting and he said he doesn't want me to like him because we clearly aren't...
  14. Lissa

    where is this relationship heading?

    I don't think he's seeing someone per his parents imposition.Venus(him) receives Mercury by exaltation.Mercury rules his 5th house of romance and sits in his 11th house of romance.Venus also receives Jupiter,ruler of his 11th,in its own sign,so my bet is that he already has someone in his group...
  15. Lissa

    SR for 2012 - Violence?

    I've been reading this SR even before my birthday and it puzzles me because,at first glance,the chart looks so promising and peaceful-with the grand earth trine between Moon/Pluto,Venus/Jupiter and Mars-but when I start putting it into pieces,it doesn't look so good! My biggest worry for this...
  16. Lissa

    Are You A 'Slacker' or A 'Go Getter'

    I am definitely a go-getter who's been slacking up as my last two lunar returns show an 5th house emphasis:unsure: I feel like partying,sitting on the computer doing nothing,going out with friends and listening to music while I have TONS of college work and house stuff to do. The...
  17. Lissa

    Is he playing games?

    Ohhh,good!!That's what I want too!!But he runs hot and cold and keeps messing with me,teasing me like child and then ignoring me.Blahh.Don't know if anything will ever again!
  18. Lissa

    Is he playing games?

    Thank you for the input!:smile: So,if he isn't playing games,what does he want with this?
  19. Lissa

    Moon Uranus aspects & real life.

    I have Moon in Aries in 3rd house square Uranus in Cap in the 1st.I was an unexpected child and unwanted by my mother who was never really devoted to me.She may be great to talk to and hang out with,but not as a mom,and I've found that my relationship with her got better as I became more and...
  20. Lissa

    where is this relationship heading?

    I really don't see him thinking about you.Quesited's ruler is in the 7th so his interest is in himself.Venus sees Mars by triplicity but that's not a reception strong enough,so he is receptive to you but not infatuated/in love.Venus also has a minor interest in Moon (your co-ruler) as it...