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  1. Elina

    Uranus transits

    Hi there, What do you think of Uranus transits? I experience it right now (natal Moon square Uranus in transit) and I have to say that my life is changing completely. I'm changing so much because of some events i've been experiencing lately and this is happening so fast ... it's incredible...
  2. Elina

    Black Moon Lillith

    Hi there, What do you think about a Venus square Lilith aspect in a man's chart? The only thing that comes to my mind is that he might meet and/or be attracted to women that have a problem expressing their sexuality. thanks
  3. Elina

    Moon conjunct Neptune, anyone else have this?

    Hi R4VEN, I think the conjunction between Mars and Neptune is the one that made you act like this: " the tendency I have towards leaving my personal boundaries `unmanned' " .. let's not forget that Mars is the 4th house ruler and you said it was " something which developed in childhood as a...
  4. Elina

    Lilith aspects in natal

    Hi, I noticed someone moved my topic in " Read my Chart ". It is not about my chart but about Lilith aspects in natal ... in general. Anyway... I really need a brainstormig from you people so we can discover how Lilith mignt influence natal planets when it forms aspects with them. Do you...
  5. Elina

    Lilith aspects in natal

    Thank you! I'll do that. So, I suppose you read this book. What can you tell about Moon square Lilith or Sun square Lilith? What's your oppinion regarding these aspects? Thanx!
  6. Elina

    Lilith aspects in natal

    Hi there, Lately I run into charts that have Moon or/and Sun in aspect with Lilith (the Black Moon). I'm especially interested in how a square/opposition between Lilith and Sun/Moon can manifest? I have a Sun square Lilith and Moon trine Lilith in my natal chart but I have absolutely no...
  7. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Hi Scorpittarian, I don't think that Neptun in 1st house can make someone underestimate his/her creativity and talents. It was, probably, someting else in your chart that made you feel that. Btw, could you upload your chart to see if, maybe, it was something else... ? thanks
  8. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Hi Queenfluff, Thank you! You look nice too! Yes, you are right. There is a dreaminess in your eyes :) but it gives you a sweet appearance. I uploaded again my chart with the grid. Yes, there is a difference between Moon in Sag and Moon in Capricorn. Probably my Moon in Capricorn helps me...
  9. Elina

    Playlist of the Week(music)

    ~ Oliver Shanti & Friends- Axtu Leman Sumix Enigma ft enya age of loneliness Sarah Brightman - Fleurs Du Mal ( this is such a powerful and...
  10. Elina

    Playlist of the Week(music)

    Hi 07.Re, Happy to hear that. I love this type of music :) This song is from an album called "Planetary Healing" by Margot Reisinger. It is one of my favorite albums.
  11. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Hi Joseph, 1. Yes, I am a day - dreamer and an idealistic person. Actually I have to say that I dream too much! And, yes, you are right about the " strong sense of self" thing :D 3. I love to observe people. But, I realised that observind too much the others I stop living my own life and...
  12. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Hi Queenfluff, Someone told me once that...when people don't appreciate me is because, maybe, I don't appreciate myself enough. This was true for me, even though when I heard that I had a defensive attitude :biggrin: .. "Who me? Of course I love and appreciate myself!" Try to look deep...
  13. Elina

    Playlist of the Week(music)

    A couple of songs I enjoy listening to. I hope you like it: Margot Reisinnger - Sun Margot Reisinger - Pluto Margot Reisinger -...
  14. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    That is so true! I feel that. Ok, here is a picture of someone who has Neptune conjunct Moon in first house + Uranus :D ... so you can have an idea. The picture is a little bit unclear, but.. hey... it's Neptune we're talking about :)...
  15. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Hi Queenfluff, Here is my chart. Regarding what you've said about music. I adore music. I don't have addictions like smoking or things like that.. but music is definitely my addiction. :) I listen to music every day :D I have a question. Have you ever felt like you have a lack of...
  16. Elina

    Why do I act so much like a Sagittarius if I have no Sagittarius placements?

    Hi ignf8ty43, If you look closely to your chart, you can see that you have Jupiter in first house and Moon opposite Jupiter, which explains a lot of the characteristics you've mentioned + North Node in Sagittarius. The need for exploring, changing impressions and travelling is especially...
  17. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Ok. Any other opinions on Neptune in 1st house? :D Thanx!
  18. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Yes, you are right. It's true. Beeing conjunct with my Moon it makes it even more difficult to understand. But I am a stubborn person :D and when I want to understant something I do my best... I hope it works this time, as well :))
  19. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Phoenix Venus, Thanx for your answer! I enjoyed reading it. Regarding what you wrote, here are the things that resonate with me: - empathy towards others - sensitive to emotions and needs of others; wanting to nurture and protect those around me (but not necessarily feeling their...
  20. Elina

    Neptune in 1st house

    Thank you for your answer! Interestind way of seeing Neptune in 1st house. Yes, I used to isolate myself from others and I used to enjoy solitude... until recently. Now I'm learning what it really means to communicate, socialize and express my emotions to others. I think my Moon in Capricorn...