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  1. Paula Andrea Pyle

    The Most Important Planet in a Natal Chart

    Hello, Pisces ascendant, So very nice to meet you under these circumstances. Ha. Ha. I am thrilled to have you as one of my new friends, here, on this thread and look forward to more interesting and stimulating discussions. Personally, I ascribe to neptunium perception as exceedingly gifted...
  2. Paula Andrea Pyle

    The psychology of Pluto square Sun

    A gracious 'thank you' of acknowledgement to all of your wonderful insightful participants on this thread. My first 24 hours, here, have proven to be enlightening, inspiring and fun! Oh, yes, No doubt when we combine Pluto and the Sun in any fashion we're sure to come out blasting with...
  3. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Mars Square Moon

    Mars square the moon: what an intriguing, enveloping, energetic plot for a movie IF one doesn't want to get the 'punch line' too soon. It's interesting to note that the white light which bounces off the moon contains every color, not unlike the variegated personality whose moon squares mars...
  4. Paula Andrea Pyle

    A new career in a new town?

    What do we do when the sun returns to its solar position? We honor it. We pay homage to the immutable passing of verifiable galactic laws which supersede our limited fixed attitudes and beliefs about these sacred cosmic dances. We imbue the celestial energy with a passionate breathing of divine...
  5. Paula Andrea Pyle

    New kid in town

    R.J., It is such pleasure to meet you, too. I am looking forward to the exchange of electrifying ideas in this forum. What a different time (as we all understand and perceive it's validity), are living in and breathing through. The enormously emancipated growing consensus in the 'cosmic realm'...
  6. Paula Andrea Pyle

    New kid in town

    Hello, everyone! What a rollicking roller coaster of 'super nova' days, right? Not a single soul has been left unhampered and dismantled. We are moving at such an enormous rate of accelerated galactic speed, the hairs on our arms are standing. And,for good reason, too. No cause for alarm, though...
  7. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Mercury in 12th - good placement for actors?

    When deciding how important he 12th house is for developing the latent talent of acting; the relative importance of parallel officiators depend upon the variant degrees associated. When one point of reference descends awhile the other ascends, the conflicting structure reduces the chances of...
  8. Paula Andrea Pyle

    timing in horary?

    As with everything in life, timing is everything. When we ask a specific question the planet rising must be in conjunction with the natural hour the planet rules. so for example: let's say someone asked the question during the 3 o'clock (fortunate) but Pluto was rising. After having located...
  9. Paula Andrea Pyle

    when stars are not your friends!!!

    Stars are neither your friends nor your enemies. IN fact, they are rather impersonal. but, because we are so vain and self-vested we choose to believe otherwise. It all comes down to our thinking ourselves so 'special' as to need to have an obstacle to overcome. the deal is: we are all in this...
  10. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Karmic astrology

    Karma is alive and well! {and,precisely groomed, I might add.} We must address the 'cosmic contracts' we signed prior to entering this dispensation of time (in whatever parallel universe) we inhabit designated from the 6th house, alone. What 'cha gonna do with the evidence staring you right...
  11. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Mars Square Moon

    Coming to terms with unreflected preconceived ideas one retains causes such inconceivable unrest and turbulent misunderstanding in one's prefabricated divided life. Yes, you are going to have to face the 'demonstrable demon' of your own making from an overwhelming need to prove yourself. give it...
  12. Paula Andrea Pyle

    What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

    The ascendent carries such a heavy load; we must give it a 'round of applause' for the debilitating 'circumference dance' it is forced to perform. "round and round" she goes and where she stops only the butterfly knows. Transformation is the name of the tune of the song playing. You will dance...
  13. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Psychological interpertation of this state of mind please

    At times, we not only need the psychological gloom and doom of our day to day activities but without it, we would "all be men most miserable". Whenever Saturn and Mercury have a go at it, the bowling lanes are full with strikes. The ability to stay in the moment and NOT repeat old histories take...
  14. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Mercury in 12th - good placement for actors?

    Mercury by his very nature makes for an incurable need to investigate the possibilities attached in whatever house he is positioned. Restless, bored ,inconceivably irritable he will own the stage of wherever he is to perform. Never mistake his quick wit and dazzling smile for any type of...
  15. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Saturn in the Leo

    Don't we all want to embody Saturn in Leo long enough to rid ourselves of the undue pressure to always want to be right? Wow. What redeemable events are confronted throughout one's life when Saturn moves through Leo. And, those who are fortunate to experience it from the "get go' have real...
  16. Paula Andrea Pyle

    The psychology of Pluto square Sun

    With cautious trepidation do I acknowledge the significance of Pluto square Sun in a natal chart. The obvious 'blasting away' of outdated ideas, notions,a attachments and preferential methods of doing things will be experienced while alive. the delving into and exposing the unsuspecting...
  17. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Astrology and Sex

    Notwithstanding the importance of the 8th house in a person's chart, but more specifically, the 4th house does reveal the inclination of unresolved sexual issues of the mother which through the process of osmosis, DNA and planetary design, the sexual nature of the individual is somewhat...
  18. Paula Andrea Pyle

    The nature of pisces descendant

    Pisces ascendent requires of one to release any idea of remaining fixed in one position for very long. The nature of the beast is to overcome the tendency to project oneself into the future or get stuck (immobilized) by revisiting the past. the ancient script" being in the world but not of it"...
  19. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Self-sabotage / self-defeatism / self-destruction

    When encountering self-sabotage, we must look to the degrees of the ninth house cusp since the mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. The ruling planet's postion in the chart will add instruction to the course of expanding direction. Usually, it is NOT the preferred route or expected avenue...
  20. Paula Andrea Pyle

    Planetary Strength through Houses

    Houses in the natal chart define many aspects of a person's psychological character. When one considers that the 3rd house specifically shows how and in what manner a person will "Show up for his/her particular allotted path", the sequential course opens into a verifiable theme of either...