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  1. Christoph K.

    Grand cross in fix signs, but what about the houses?

    Hello everybody, I've been looking at a friends chart which is quite interesting but has some hard interpretations to offer. I'm especially wondering about the quality of her grand cross. I won't post her chart because I didn't ask her if it's ok. The planets/points included are her ascendant...
  2. Christoph K.

    The Strengths and weaknesses of This combo?

    Hi J_123, We all appreciate your effort, but it seems like you still posted the wrong part of your chart. These are just bare informations and not easy to connect, if you could post you actual chart, which is the drawing of the sky at your time of birth, I'm sure people will offer you help and...
  3. Christoph K.

    What jumps out at you in my chart??!

    Hi ksyting, what jumps out at first sight is of course your tripple fire quality with sun in aries, asc and moon in leo. One should not expect on first sight that you're the shy person you describe. But on second sight things become a little clearer. Your Saturn is in the 5th house of joy...
  4. Christoph K.

    Why im a person that afraid,what reason causes fear to me?

    I'm pretty sure that you won't succeed solving your problems with astrology. Explaining a problem astrologically you may find out which parts of your personality do not interact well with each other and where you're blocked. You may even find out which events in your life caused your problems...
  5. Christoph K.

    a chart to read if you would like

    I'd very much suggest that you post your chart in a more excessible form for we can't see any degrees here for certain. First thing I notice when I think about your brain/metnal issues is that uranus and neptune both square your mercury. This is no exactly favourable aspect for uranus square...
  6. Christoph K.

    Why im a person that afraid,what reason causes fear to me?

    Hi Fireboy, I know by experience that a virgo-ascendent offers quite some challenge. I read about "the typical" virgo ascendent being "afraid of being in the world" and my personal experience supports this information. It's like you not only tend to stay in your comfort zone, it's more like...
  7. Christoph K.

    Cancer or Leo Rising? Vote and help me

    This might be a good explanation, yes.
  8. Christoph K.

    Planetary progressions - feeling very restless?

    Hi, Uranus In Aries - I'd say there's and influence on aries planets here.
  9. Christoph K.

    What/How many aspects in my chart indicate psychic ability?

    I've found hard aspects between saturn and neptune anything but psychic, saturn in my mind will always get the upper hand... Saturn conj Neptune I know someone having saturn conj. neptune in 4th and with this person it's...
  10. Christoph K.

    head problems

    Looking at your chart I see a scorpio sun which is unaspected. This MAY indicate a tendency to repress psychological issues. There are cases of head/memory/perception problems related to this tendecy for it manifest psychosomcatically. Of course, we all repress a big part of the content of our...
  11. Christoph K.

    Do these aspects indicate shyness or self-absorption?

    Are you really talking about a sweatshirt here?
  12. Christoph K.

    Cancer or Leo Rising? Vote and help me

    How sure are you about your time of birth actually? If your Asc is in the 2nd decan it's not common to have traits of other signs. I'd like to point at the issues some of your personal planets have with sa/ur/ne including your sun - Leo is ruled by the sun and if you are inhibited in some way...
  13. Christoph K.

    What impression yuo get!?

    Hi, on the first look I somehow get the impression of someone being consumed by existencial/religious/spiritual questions of some sort. You also have aspects indicating that you're a creative person and will benefit from or succeed by expressing yourself through whatever, we know that arts...
  14. Christoph K.

    Cancer or Leo Rising? Vote and help me

    Hey, first post first picture, do I see the scorpionic gaze of an 8th moon here? :-) I'd say Leo from optical evaluation but it's true that a lot of things are influencing the way you look. Cancer people would often have a problem to forgive people they were wounded by. Is that a tattoo on...
  15. Christoph K.

    What/How many aspects in my chart indicate psychic ability?

    Miquar, Saturn conjunct Neptune gives you a link to both sides of reality, the material and the spiritual. Depending on house position of course this is a strong psychic indicator in my opinion because it's like you have the ability to catch (saturn) the things you percieve on non-material...
  16. Christoph K.

    Moon in the 8th house...

    The 8th house is also the house of subcouncious matters like energies here tend to manifest in the unknown and feared realm of the subconcious. It's for this reason I think that the 8th house is related to occultism because occultism is about unconvering subconcious material to some degree. Moon...
  17. Christoph K.

    Gay or asexual?

    Hi Rageypoo, I've to say that my own chart is full of these quinqunxes but I've never been able to determine if they're really "at work". I got about 10 of them and couldn't observe direct connections and interaction between the planets involved which could not be explained by the other...
  18. Christoph K.

    Gay or asexual?

    Hey Luxsaxon, I'd like to look at a different field of interest here for you said that you're living in a conservative country. What is your relationsship to religion? Have you been raised according religious laws? With a strict catholic raising e.g. it might be quite possible to develop a...
  19. Christoph K.

    Writing skills?

    Hello Raquel, to ask someone if you're gifted with the talent to write astrologically will not ultimately reveal if you're actually able to or not. The best thing to find out about this simply is to try that out. You have to practive writing even if you're a gifted person, most people who are...
  20. Christoph K.

    What Should I Look Out For?

    Hello Scorpio, why are you just asking for the bad things of you chart? And I can tell you, that it's a bad thing to try to avoid the challenging aspects because 1. you won't be able to and 2. they're just trying to teach you something you should know. Avoiding the challenge will never end it...