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  1. J

    Horoscope Yourself - Free Astrology Reports

    I know this is a super old post. But any idea what happen to this website? You can’t access it anymore and it was one of the best if not the best one out there that was free!
  2. J

    Meant to be?

    So I met someone. I have accessed the chart myself and would like to hear your feedback on what you see. I noticed that our AC's loosely conjuncts our true nodes. Moon and venus tight conjunction. Chiron and venus conjunction. Moon Conjunct AC, Mercury, Venus, and mars. Saturn conjunct sun at...
  3. J

    Davidson aspects to Natal Chart

    I have seen where astrologist will compare the composite chart to the natal chart of the partners to determine how each of them feel towards the relationship. Can this also be done with the Davidson chart? I have attached the davidson chart along with the natal chart of the partner. However, I...
  4. J

    Can a relationship work with a good synastry and a bad composite?

    I am interested in hearing this as well. :)
  5. J

    Fixed signs in Water houses

    Oh an yes, I turned to my spirit guides all the time, as well as God.
  6. J

    Fixed signs in Water houses

    Wow, you hit the nail on the head with that one, this was a more accurate description then what I found on the internment and YouTube. That is exactly what I long for, I am always in relationships with emotionally unavailable men, and I don’t ask those hard questions and even if I do they almost...
  7. J

    Fixed signs in Water houses

    I have to say astrology is truly amazing. Every time I look at my natal chart I discover something new about myself. Lately I have been in a relationship that has been taking its toll on me emotionally. My planets are made up of mostly air (Aquarius, and Libra) with thee exception of my sun and...
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    Astrological Signature

    When you say an Aquairus overtone what does that mean? Also, astrological signature is it even something to concider?
  9. J

    Astrological Signature

    I am also a Capricorn, Moon in Virgo. Stellium in H12 and H8 with house H8 all being in the sign of Libra. I have Aquarius Ascendant, Venus, and Mercury.
  10. J

    Astrological Signature

    My astrological signature is Libra. My chart is made up of mostly air signs but my moon and sun are in earth signs. How does your astrological signature define you?
  11. J

    What happens when woman venus conjunct man mars in scorpio? How mars person will see

    I would disagree with this as well. In my synastry I have mars conjunct his Venus at 2 degrees. I am extremely attracted to him (venus) I am stimulated just looking at him, I just think he is so dam fine! LOL. I am mars and I'm the one touching all the time, LOL.
  12. J

    Saturn Contacts

    Totally appreciate your input. It is so funny you mention that me the mercury person thinks saturn is to hard and never eloquent because this is exactly the way I think about him, we even argued yesterday due to his boldness and callousness when he speaks. I do keep in mind that he doesn't...
  13. J

    what is keeping us together?

    Hello, I am not an expert at this, however, I have been reading and researching synastry for a while now, even dissecting my own chart extensively. I believe house overlays play a strong role in why we feel connected to a person as well. I see that you have your moon in his 12th house. This can...
  14. J

    Saturn Contacts

    Does Saturn need to have aspects from both partners? What if the Saturn aspects are more from one person aspecting the other partners planets? Does this mean that it is only this person that holds the relationship together? Or is that both partners feel the need to stay together? I included my...
  15. J

    Signs and Houses

    So in other words Signs can not oppose houses.
  16. J

    Signs and Houses

    So anytime I am perplexed and can not find the answer on the internet I come here. So an example of an opposition in synastry is Virgo-Pisces. So how does it play out if the person has an Aries moon (moon is not in the 1st house) for example, and their partner has their moon in the 7th house...
  17. J

    Composite Venus conjunct Uranus

    Thanks Elena, Will you be so kind to tell me what aspects stabilizes this aspect? Mercury and sun are conjunct in an exact degree, Jupiter is also conjunct the Venus in the composite. Sun in Scorpio , moon in Cancer. Moon in the 7th house of our composite. I would love to post the chart but my...
  18. J

    4th house overlays

    Thanks for your feedback Elena!!! You should create a FB group or a blog. I would definitely follow. Your always helping everyone on here and it’s appreciated!!!
  19. J

    Composite Venus conjunct Uranus

    Can someone help me understand how it will play out in a composite chart where Venus conjunct Uranus but you also have Saturn Trine Moon? Venus conjunct Uranus is one where it clearly states the relationship is doom for failure unless your ok with an open flighty relationship, however what if...
  20. J

    4th house overlays

    Hi guys I’m just looking for any one who has experience with their partners in their 4th house. How did your partner impact you? Did you feel a bond or did you think of this person more as a family member, like a brother or a sister energy?