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  1. Insane

    Future career

    Already fixed the problem with some instructions.
  2. Insane

    Future career

    I'm in a big crossroad right now. In the end of this schoolyear we will have to choose subjects to learn next year, and I'm not sure what I want. I am really keen on art, but I know it doesn't give enough money to live on, and my mom won't sponsor me. What should I take for school subjects and...
  3. Insane

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I leave high priestess:joyful:
  4. Insane

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Ace of swords... Kind of a good card, when you want to escape a problem, caused by old things... Maybe I will end the argument between me and my stupid classmate... My deck suggested Three of Cups.
  5. Insane

    Another dream requiring interpretation

    I had a weird dream this morning. I had PK powers, and exorcised out spirit out of my room... And I have been dreaming exorcisms and spirits since middle of the july... I'm worried a bit. Exorsism started when I heard something breathing weirly in my room, apart from a person who was sleeping...
  6. Insane

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Hmm... I should change something in my love business, due not to go crazy with risk. And my card deck suggested Queen of Coins
  7. Insane

    Mars in Aries=Worst temper of the zodiac?

    I'm more Leo and Gemini than taurus :biggrin: Friends told me that.
  8. Insane

    Guess which one?

    You're right again. I have gemini in mercury and venus. Mercury means intellect and learning, if i am not wrong :smile:
  9. Insane

    Guess which one?

    Mhm, I hate being praised, don't know why :smile: I get embarrassed easily because of that. But I love to praise people who deserves it :lol: I was supposed to be a gemini, but I was rushing to see this world, I think this gives me gemini kind of traits :smile:
  10. Insane

    Guess which one?

    You are impressive :) I thought once, I had some leo influnce in my appearance, but I thought it was my nose and dark blond hair, which are dyed in lighter blonde colour right now. And I sure look like the odd one here. :biggrin: I started to think, that almost all Leo 'touched' people have...
  11. Insane

    Guess which one?

    The oldest girl in this picture is 16 and a half. She's aries. :biggrin:
  12. Insane

    Guess which one?

    Right! :w00t: How did you find out? :lol:
  13. Insane

    How did you get into astrology?

    I discovered this science when I was still a little kid, but couldn't focus on it. After few years I found out about basic sun signs, which were not so accurate, so I searched for information and found some. Analyzed my natal chart in details, I kind of liked it, because almost everything was...
  14. Insane

    Worst Virus Ever!!

    Edit: owch... Didn't look at the post date XD kind of old thread...
  15. Insane

    Does your descendant describe your partner

    Simple yet funny thing. My descendant is aquarius, I have taurus in sun, rising and moon are leo. And for about 3 years I have a guy who loves me alot... He's aquarius with virgo ascendant and taurus in moon. He seems to be seriously in love...
  16. Insane

    Guess which one?

    I will give you a picture, and my birthchart. :] let's see who can sniff me out of 9 persons. [I actually have no doubt no on will try to find out, but, oh, whatever :biggrin:] Picture: Birthchart...
  17. Insane

    "Bedtime Prayer" for each Sign

    oh my god... that sounds really like me :biggrin: No wonder I can annoy some people accidentaly.
  18. Insane

    Inferior complex

    Yes, about the writing thing. Sometimes I feel like I can't even write a simple essay for school... That's pathetic, though. I tend to start some stories, but never end, because I start to lack ideas or because of my laziness. I actually love to write things which makes fun of some society...
  19. Insane

    Another dream requiring interpretation

    I'm not as much experienced as as the seniors. But I think you felt guilty about something. And you deny it due to escape that problem. Maybe you don't want so see a certain person. I won't interpret dreams with traditional meanings of the symbols in this situation... Everyone's subconscious is...
  20. Insane

    Inferior complex

    I have read somewhere, that I have an aspect, which gives me writing talent, or something... And had a though of writing lyrics, but I have difficulties with finger lenght to play with guitar. Weird... Thank you for the time you spent to analyze my problem :) I owe you don't know what, but...