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  1. B

    will we be together?

    i cast this horary chart about 3 weeks ago, and have been checking it often ever since. it seems possible (even likely) that the situation has unfolded fully: that we will not be together, but i am hoping to get some closure so that i can begin to move on. the...
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    will we have a romantic relationship?

    hello, i wanted to update in case anyone is interested in studying this chart. i guess maybe the situation hasn’t fully developed yet, but i was contacted by a person from my past that i had strong feelings for, and lost interest in this man. i never would have guessed this outcome when i asked...
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    how do you approach synastry, generally?

    hmm, that certainly seems to be a much healthier approach! thank you for that very needed dose of realism
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    how do you approach synastry, generally?

    apologies if this is the wrong forum. i’m just curious how people use synastry in their own lives. if you meet someone and feel a strong connection, and the synastry has some scary aspects, would you hit the brakes on getting to know them? do you just look out of curiosity, and then let things...
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    will we have a romantic relationship?

    just wondering if anyone else has insight :) to be honest, despite my previous comment, i have become a bit fixated on the meaning of this chart. so even with a trine between us, and him moving into cancer where jupiter is exalted, me being in the sign of mercury’s fall is still a bad omen...
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    will we have a romantic relationship?

    thank you ilenek! strangely i feel ok with that, maybe it is just a matter of emotional maturity but i worry less about it lasting, just would like for it to happen for a little while at least. i did notice that both our significators are dignified in their own signs which seems to indicate… to...
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    will we have a romantic relationship?

    i guess i should say, i have a basic understanding of horary but i’m a bit rusty now, it’s been a couple years since i was really studying it. it looks like i am jupiter and he is mercury, and mercury’s next aspect will be a trine with jupiter, unless i’ve missed something. i notice that the...
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    will we have a romantic relationship?

    hello, i am active on another forum and i have developed deep feelings for another member, although we haven’t spoken directly *very* much i feel quite a bit of sexual and romantic tension between us. he lives in a different state and we are both single, i don’t even want to go on dates with...
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    Translation of light?

    Thank you waybread. This is definitely not an easy thing to think about or to be a part of, although I know that is just my ego that is experiencing difficulty. We've had calm discussions about the state of our relationship, he reassures me that he loves me and is happy. There are other subtle...
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    Translation of light?

    Hi all, Mercury and mars in this chart are the 2 signifiers. Mercury's next aspect is with the moon, who will then trine mars next. My only question, when the moon moves 1 degree to make a trine with Venus in Cancer, does this negate the later translation between Mercury and mars? The question...
  11. B

    Natal Moon conjunct Saturn?

    Just these 4 planets in isolation, without seeing the whole chart, probably not too reliable. Pisces moon conjunct Saturn sounds like you are super sensitive and intuitive but struggle with self esteem and feel scared to let people in. Venus opposite Saturn brings delays to the love life, self...
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    Aspect balance

    Hi, just a beginner here and not an expert. I'll say the synastry chart is needed for a real reading, but I don't think synastry really works like you said, where one aspect negates another. Sun square moon and the squares to Saturn will be felt, and those interactions when in play will be...
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    Moon in Capricorn--Grrrr.... :(

    If something is getting me down, there's not too much someone can say or do that will take me out of it. Even when feeling pleasant or calm, compliments make me uncomfortable. In time I've learned to just say thank you rather than deflect it, but the interaction of a compliment (even if it comes...
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    Should my friend go through with her pregnancy?

    Wanted to update that my friend really struggled with this decision, and ultimately decided to terminate. I think this is shown in the chart by the fetus' signifier being retrograde, and moon in the 8th, house of death. I'm not sure when or if I will ever know if she regrets this decision, but...
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    Should my friend go through with her pregnancy?

    The psychic was unaware of her current pregnancy. I find it odd that we can look to the stars to find our keys, determine the nature of our intimate relationships, and get clues to our future on any number of topics, but then we have to draw a line in the sand when it comes to this. She's had an...
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    Should my friend go through with her pregnancy?

    Her pregnancy was accidental, and she's feeling unsure if this is the right time. I should have clarified in the original post, she isn't basing her entire decision off of this, she's just a spiritual person, always been pretty indecisive, and is looking for any advice or guidance she can get...
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    Should my friend go through with her pregnancy?

    My friend asked me to cast a horary chart for her. She just missed her period and took 3 positive pregnancy tests. This would be her first child and she's hoping the stars have some insight. I know she's mars, almost exactly conjunct MC. The baby is Jupiter in...
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    Gemini Man, Libra Woman Synastry

    It would be easier to interpret if you posted a synastry chart--as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Just looking at your individual charts, I can see a general basis for misunderstandings. Although he's a Gemini, he has 3 personal planets in water signs, where you have...
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    Venus and Chiron issues, any information or advice would be appreciated!

    Could you post your chart? I also have Venus in Virgo, in aspect to Chiron, which is in my 7th. Curious what people have to say... personally my love life hasn't gone well up to this point, but who knows what the future holds.
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    I barely fit my sun sign(Leo), why?

    I notice too that your sun and moon are exactly inconjunct (unless your birth time is inaccurate). Your unleoish qualities are textbook moon in Capricorn! Moon is comfy in her own 4th house, while the sun is opposite its domicile house. Again this is dependent on your birth time... but sun in...