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  1. Y

    Am I Obsessed with money?

    Holy cow! Look at that 5 planets (plus North Node) in the 2nd! And in capricorn no less. Even the Lord of the 2nd (Saturn) in the 2nd. And the planets in the 2nd are all connected by aspects to the planets not in the second. I think he might be right. With the focus on capricorn, I would...
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    6 retrograde planets in birth chart

    Just had a thought about retrogrades. In the old Ptolemaic system which was Earth-centric and the luminaries and planets had perfect circular orbits, retrogrades should not be possible. Observers were forced to come up with a hack - epicycles - in order to explain them. As we all know the...
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    Natal Indicators Of Psychic Ability

    I agree with others that for psychic ability one should look for the Moon. I suspect for psychic abilities one should look for connections between the outer planets and the inner planets, especially the Moon (emotions, intuition) with Uranus standing for flashes of intuition, Neptune for more...
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    Psychic indicators mentioned in natal chart?

    Hi youngastrologer I doubt that Uranus sextile Pluto is an indicator of psychic abilities, at least on its own. Uranus and Pluto are both outer planets and move so slowly that everyone born over a couple of years probably have that aspect. Aspects between outer planets should be seen as...
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    6 retrograde planets in birth chart

    It's interesting - I am the opposite to you - all of my birth planets are direct (including outers). And I always felt "different" from everyone else. As if I just exist in a different world. It's possible that to be "normal" you need to have a couple of retrograde planets and the extremes in...
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    Void of course moon if on sign cusp?

    Thanks. However at 29.5 degrees Leo it is also conjunct Regulus. Does that make a difference?
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    Void of course moon if on sign cusp?

    Hi guys I recently did a horary where the moon was on the sign cusp (at 29 and a half degrees Leo). Would this still be considered void of course? Technically it will be impossible for it to make a major aspect before it leaves Leo. Still... Thanks for your help!
  8. Y

    Where is the obesity in this chart?

    I did not say there were no negatives in Julia's chart. What I said was that what negatives were there simply added to the problems caused by all the easy aspects. Venus square Moon leads to emotional excess. Saturn is also in no position to exert its disciplinary energy. Moreover I don't...
  9. Y

    Where is the obesity in this chart?

    I think we may be looking for things (suffering and negativity) which may not exist. Looking at the chart again, the thing that strikes out at me is the lack of hard aspects. Excluding the ones between Mercury conj. Neptune and Mars conj. Jupiter and also the one between Saturn and the Sun...
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    Where is the obesity in this chart?

    I agree with those who say that the Earth Grand Trine with Mars, Jupiter and the Moon plus the Venus square Moon which is the source of the problem. I also think you are right to be concerned about her. Her Saturn Return is coming up shortly and her Saturn is in the 8th house. Pluto is also...
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    Wrath from other females.

    I have Venus trine Mars and Jupiter so I guess that counts as lucky.
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    Fine, just ignore everything I wrote because you don't like the message you are hearing. Not even bother to disagree with my interpretations, but simply brush it aside as if I didn't even say anything. Because I said things you didn't like. May be I should have saved myself the trouble and...
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    Jane Doe (sorry but you don't really have a username...) - I think you are looking at things in a far too simplistic way. It's not all about "good" versus "bad". You have to take the whole chart into consideration. For example you keep on trying to insist that the trines and sextiles to...
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    It's not a case of whether pluto wins or the sun/moon conjunction wins. Sun conjunct Moon is not inherently good. The Sun conjunct Moon means someone who has difficulty seeing others point of view. This is good in that they can be really sure of things. However people can get annoyed by the...
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    I wouldn't put too much stake in Pluto-sextile-Neptune unless it's part of some larger aspect pattern. Pluto and Neptune are both very slow moving planets. Probably everyone on the planet born over those few years has that aspect.
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    whats up with my baby girl

    Final Fantasy VII is probably not the best reference to make considering Jenova's role in that game...
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    How do you see talent in a birth cart?

    All aspects are talents but I see easy aspects as things that come easily, hard aspects as desires/fears and conjunctions can be either depending on the planets. All of them need to worked upon but in different ways. Easy aspects represent things that come easily to you. You may take them for...
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    Moon Conjunct the Ascendant

    I have my Moon in my 1st house. It is not conjunct the ascendant but it is a singleton (only planet on left part of chart). Both my Moon and the Asc are Gemini. Here is how I interpret it. With the Moon in the 1st house esp. if conjunct the Asc then your emotion are clear for people to read...
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    Degrees in a natal chart? In your own words.

    The chart says your moon is at: "2 Sco 48' 55''" i.e. 2 degree Scorpio, 48 minutes, 55 seconds. In the actual picture it is rounded up to 2 degrees 49 minutes Scorpio. In decimals this is roughly 2.8 degrees. You can never have something more than 30 degrees of any sign because the maximum...
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    People With Moon/ASC Aspects?

    Don't have Moon conjunct ASC but it is in the 1st house and is a singleton (only planet in left side of chart). My face looks like a full moon so it must be strong :) My Moon and ASC are both in Gemini. Like a previous poster mentioned I love talking about anything and everything, especially...