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  1. abisert

    What's with the fall and detriments in my chart?

    Oh, I was born in the day at 6 AM. Sun is in 1st (Self), Saturn is in 9th (Philosophy), and Jupiter is in 11th (Friends). Leo + 11th, Cancer + 10th, Pisces + 5th or Saggitarius in 3rd And I'm guessing how troublesome it will be by the aspects between other planets? I was born in the day, so...
  2. abisert

    What's with the fall and detriments in my chart?

    1. Libra Sun (Fall) 2. Scorpio Venus (Detriment) 3. Virgo Jupiter (Detriment) 4. Cancer Saturn (Detriment) 5. Aquarius Neptune (Fall) The only strong planet in my chart is Uranus in Aquarius. 1.) Do these falls and detriments mean anything? 2.) Do they affect my personality or say anything...
  3. abisert

    Hey waybread. Happy Holidays. I'm writing you a PM right now, just to let you know.

    Hey waybread. Happy Holidays. I'm writing you a PM right now, just to let you know.
  4. abisert

    Year of the Goat experiences?

    Great to hear.
  5. abisert

    Year of the Goat experiences?

    I was born at 6 AM, so I must have the Rabbit Ascendant.
  6. abisert

    Year of the Goat experiences?

    I am a Libra born in the Water Year of the Goat. Have you had any experiences with a Goat? I heard the best compatibility with the Year of the Goat is the Rabbit and Pig. Anyone here one? I would like to know.
  7. abisert

    Draconic Astrology?

    I just did some research on my Draconic chart. I'm wondering...why is it so hard to find intepretations of what we have in the Draconic chart, unlike what we have for Natal and Synastry charts. I don't understand. Will posting my Draconic chart help, or does anyone know a few stuff about it...
  8. abisert

    I was born under the Balsamic Moon Phase?

    I realized this awhile ago that I was born under the Balsamic Moon phase, and it indicated this is a karmic lifetime for me. What's interesting is that I did research, and found two of my friends have the same moon phase. I've read also that it indicated that people from past lives could come...
  9. abisert

    My Proper Introduction

    Um. I mean synastry with my friends, actually. My friend tried to find some aspects in me to figure out the problem, though.
  10. abisert

    My Proper Introduction

    Thank you. I have a good friend here who's helping me with my synastry, and also with my problem. But, she hasn't replied in a while, so I'm getting worried.
  11. abisert

    My Proper Introduction

    Hello everybody, After making two threads after my registration, I decided I needed to make a introduction topic for myself. I am abisert, and I joined this site to learn more about my natal chart and synastry. I've already made some friends here, so this is a good start. I hope myself good luck...
  12. abisert

    Anyone willing to point out some stuff for me?

    Pretty spot-on. I seem to be very interested in Chiron and 12th house aspects.
  13. abisert

    Anyone willing to point out some stuff for me?

    Hiya guys, A lot of you, or some of you may know me from my other thread that I posted. But today, I would like to see if there's anything in my natal chart I should know.
  14. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    I do have Uranus in Aquarius, but I've done research and it appears to be that Venus is my dominant planet.
  15. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    Uranus person? I don't know about that, but I do have a lot of air in my chart. Then again, I may or may not come back. It really depends whenther I want to, but quitting is probably best for my spirituality. But whatever, I'll see how it goes.
  16. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    [url= This[/url] is all the moderators are willing to tell us. But it obviously was not just one thing she did. People don't get banned around here just for being argumentative, and they don't get banned just for doing one...
  17. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    It's just a Christian chruch, really. If I could picture myself getting in trouble, I imagine my dad being furious, scolding the whole thing, and shove some Bible text to wake me up. It just would be horrible.
  18. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    I don't think he'll ever reconsider. He doesn't know I'm still study astrology, and I think he has mentioned it a few times. Basically, what I'm trying to say is my dad would probably always always against it. He's a very committed Christian, and he's been adamant about a lot of things he told...
  19. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    Hiya guys. I'm back again. I love how people are still trying to help me out. But from what I got, it seems to be something that I have to think for myself, but I hope it gets figured out soon. It seems that I barely have any time for astrology, so it's really a occasional thing. What if I...
  20. abisert

    I've been banned from astrology because of my Christianity

    I like how people are giving me some answers, which Tessie's answer probably the most helpful one but. I'm just here for a simple answer. Is it yes or no? Should it depend on me?