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  1. H

    Ketu Mahadasha

    Hi @Sujit Ji, Thank you for your prompt response. Any advice to strength my life during this ketu dasa period?
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    Ketu Mahadasha

    Hi @prasanna_1978 Ji, Thank you for your prompt reply.
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    Ketu Mahadasha

    Hi @Prasanna ji, @Sree.sree , your valuable advice and guidance can enlightenment my mind. Hema Gopal DOB: 16 / 12 / 1989 Time: 12:40 AM (Midnight) Location: Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia [ 1° 44' N, 103 ° 54' E ] Im Hema Gopal Currently running Ketu Mahadasha Mercury...
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Hi @mathur_dinesh, Can you suggest way to boost my life & career progression?
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Hi @mathur_dinesh , Well noted on the information and thank you for taking your time to reply. Based on my chart, any important events or incidents or something like crucial moment which i should aware/look into it?
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Hi Sujit, Thank you for your response and reply and Appreciate!
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Thank you for your feedback. If i look more into 6th House Rahu (Material Wealth), Does it Affect 12th House Ketu? Any way to reduce expenses?
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    yes correct sir. I need your advice to clear my mind and understanding of myself
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    My Details as below sir: Name hema gopal Gender Male Birth Date 16/12/1989 Birth Time 12:40 AM Place Of Birth Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia [ 1° 44' N, 103 ° 54' E ]
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Hi Sir, Thank you for your prompt response. below are the details: Date of marriage: 3/3/2017 DOB Child #1: 29/12/2017 DOB Child #2: 2/10/2019
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    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    City - Kota Tinggi, State - Johor, Country - Malaysia Kota Tinggi Johor
  12. H

    Need your guidance and advice on my career path & spiritual path

    Hema Gopal DOB: 16 / 12 / 1989 Time: 12:40 AM (Midnight) Im Hema Gopal Currently running Ketu Mahadasha Mercury Antradasha until November 2023. Married on 2017 with 2 kids now. Things was upside and down starting 2021. During 2021, my job(contract term) ends and people started to look down on...