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  1. L

    What kind of love life I will experience?

    Wow, I'm not expecting such a long answer for what I thought is a 'lame' question.:w00t: Thank you very much for this, I feel a lil more confident and ready for whatever happens. :joyful: Yeah, that birth time is now the accurate one. Yes, yes, yes, oh goodness, yes. :lol: I'm the worst...
  2. L

    What kind of love life I will experience?

    Sorry, it turns out that there's a mistake on the data I put to my chart. I've updated the chart now, it is mostly the change of the House placements. So now I'm gunna bump this up. :sideways: Same question still applies. I appreciate your help! Well no actually, I've never date anyone nor...
  3. L

    What kind of love life I will experience?

    Thank you for the answers! Really appreciate it, :smile: Another thing is, based on my chart, will I be a loyal spouse? Maybe this question sounds stupid but that's because sometimes I don't even understand my own quality :unsure: I did say that I really wish for a happy, long lasting marriage...
  4. L

    What kind of love life I will experience?

    I'm 19 and never had any kind of love/relationship experience. It's not really a problem though, I'm pretty comfortable with it, as I prefer to focus on college and work first, relationship later. That leaves me pretty clueless about pretty much everything about romance and stuff however, while...
  5. L

    Anything 'unique' about me?

    Also, which one is my strongest sign? I'm a Taurus but looks like I have at least 3 Capricorn in my chart, does that means I have a strong Capricorn influence? Or there are another strong placement going on? btw sorry if my English is pretty messy.
  6. L

    Anything 'unique' about me?

    Thank you! :smile: I like being unique and different from anyone else, I see that it came from my Uranus influence, right? How about self-esteem? I always have this moment where I feel like I'm not able to do anything good and productive, and when I'm stuck with a work I don't like, I would...
  7. L

    Anything 'unique' about me?

    Sorry, I'm pretty new to astrology, so I don't really understand about planet placements or anything like that:sad: Can you explain me what that means?
  8. L

    Anything 'unique' about me?

    :w00t: Is that for real? Or you're just listing all the positive things to make me feel better?:bandit: lol jk but I think I'm pretty narcissistic in some way, I love to listen to what people think about me but I hate it if they're biased opinion, I'm searching for the truth about myself, and...
  9. L

    Anything 'unique' about me?

    Here's my chart, and I would like someone to describe everything about me based on it. Don't hold back please, thank you! :sideways: