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    MOST Unusual NATAL chart i have ever seen !

    Birth chart contains a Grand Fixed Cross and a dharmodaya aka tetrahedron. Navamsa contains a crossed dharmodaya aka Star of David.
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    MOST Unusual NATAL chart i have ever seen !

    The chart holder is a new soul.
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    Indications of spiritual awakening

    With a NN conjunct the ascendent, it isn't so much that you aren't spiritual, it's that in this lifetime, you are being asked to focus on developing a healthy and fully independent self - without the need to look to others to provide your mental, physical, emotional, financial or spiritual needs.
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    You can buy my book it will be out in late 2020.
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    As was expressed earlier, we each have to find our own "proof". If you're genuinely interested in learning about your past lives and need more personal proof, I would suggest past life regression therapy as a good starting point. If this topic is triggering for you, it may or may not be your...
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    Yes. I understand that it's unclear to you. In my case, it's very clear based on personal first hand experience which I stated previously. Being unclear is a perfectly wonderful place to be as well.
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    One clarification, karma is the result of action. Not the action itself.
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    Yes excellent. I also consider Pluto and it's polarity point as to past lives. Certainly the overall theme of the natal and then the nodes and Pluto will tell is much!
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    Yes please take Buddha's advice until you have your own personal experience to speak from. Some, like myself play the long game because that is our first hand experience. If your personal first hand experience is different, that is not a problem. To each his own path.
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    Paradoxical Chart, Grand Cross

    North node in gemini In the 9th house of sagittarius, South node In sagittarius in the 3rd house of gemini. In evolutionary and esoteric astrology the lunar nodes are considered paramount. It makes good sense since they carry both our past life karma and ways of being southnode, and our soul's...
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    Draconic Charts...

    Natal pluto in the 8the house is VERY scorpion in and of itself!
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    Yes. Karma is universal law and we know that from a wide variety of sources including quantum physics. Having said that, it is the soul's natural desire to ascent and as such, each lifetime presents us with certain karmic challenges to resolve. Or not. This is the cycle of rebirth known by...
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    Karmic Indicators

    Virtually all relationships are karmic. Having said that, a South node 8th house can be interesting but impossible to say how without first evaluatimg the overall theme of the chart.
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    Do You Have A Grand Trine?

    Hi this is a pretty old post but of you're still interested I have grand water trine (no nodes) as well as a grand mutable cross in a 100 percent paradoxical natal chart. Mars stands unaspected in libra in the 1st house. Thanks.
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    What aspects favor spiritual growth/attainment?

    I would recommend looking into esoteric, evolutionary astrology - Alice A. Baily and Helena Blavakski to start. Also Jeffrey Wolf Green. Evolutionary astrology can perhaps best be described as the evolution of the soul. I'm new here so if I can locate your chart I'll take a quick peek if you'd...
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    Paradoxical Chart, Grand Cross

    Thank you!
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    Paradoxical Chart, Grand Cross

    Many thanks!!
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    Paradoxical Chart, Grand Cross

    Yikes it's up now thank you!
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    Paradoxical Chart, Grand Cross

    Hi Everyone and thank you for having me! The main theme of my chart is non-duality or paradoxical, and the grand mutable cross (fixed in sedereal) and the grand trine. You'll also notice my unaspected mars in libra in the 1st house. I'm female, age 54 in July. At this point, I've been blessed...
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    New person intro

    Hi Everyone, I'm still fairly new to astrology and finding it a natural fit. I have studied western, vedic, esoteric and evolutionary primarily. I'm sure I will gain a wealth of knowledge from all of you and hope to contribute a bit here and there as well. Much love and Aloha!