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  1. J

    Jim Morrison

    what is with the mars conj uranus stigma? it's not that horrible is it? lol jim morrison has an interesting chart. pluto partile conj north node with a square to moon, aren't there charisma posts about pluto moon aspects? somewhere around here.
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    Tight aspects

    i think a tight aspect is an aspect who's planets are close to the same degree. something like jupiter in 7 degrees pisces, and the moon in 7 degrees cancer. the tighter it is, the more powerful/noticable energies are. i could be totally wrong about the terminology though. according to...
  3. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    i just wanted to come back to the thread and say thanks to those who replied. i may have already said this LOL i found an ADD forum, to dicuss stuff like this, and surprisingly .. the people on the forum are so much like me. o_o i've done a lot of thinking on the issue (and saturn is...
  4. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    well okay then. anyway i've talked to some of my closest people and i've decided to find a way to see a doctor. i'm not worried if it's a disease or not, i just need some help. stop debating over ADD and psychology, it could take centuries - much like astrology.
  5. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    Guys, it's okay. I think all Delilah meant was "find something you like to do, you'll feel much better". I'm not worried about ADD being a 'disease', just as I'm not worried about Pluto being a 'planet'. It doesn't change the facts, it's just a label and a major misconception that things...
  6. J

    Issues with family line and stelliums

    just had to jump in and say happy birthday :D
  7. J

    Will I meet my forever guy within 6th months

    i hope you guys both find the love you're looking for. <3
  8. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    i scored an 88, and it said highly likely. yipes. and i may have even underexaggerated on certain things, because i don't want to think myself into the disorder. if that makes sense.
  9. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    ah, see, i'm not sure if it's add (the symptoms all seem very accurate) or if it's just .. how i am? i have chiron conj asc/gemini in the 1st house (partile opposition saturn) natally, with a merc retrograde in pisces. mars conjunct uranus ... i cant focus. i day dream constantly. i cant...
  10. J

    Do any of you do this......Would you call it "cheating"?

    i think it would depend on the question, just thinking in terms of desperation or perhaps needing to find hope in something. if one is desperate or in despair, they should wait, maybe then the light at the end of the tunnel will be more apparent. or, if you feel like you may be cheating...
  11. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    venus in leo, with leo as self expression ... in the tenth house of material action and duties i can't wrap my brain around terms like this, astrology is such a backwards process for me. the terms like material action, identity action etc etc those are easier to work with when i start (for...
  12. J

    can a planet have more than one influence if its borderline with a house or sign?

    most would say yes, but it depends on how close to the cusp line it is and also depends on the astrologer. some would only say 1 degree within the cusp counts, while some could say 5 degrees, and so on.
  13. J

    Do I have Attention Deficite Disorder(ADD)?

    i really have no experience in this, so any input would be greatly appreciated. it doesn't have to be extensive, I don't mean to take up too much of anyone's time. i asked this at 12:02 pm i'm not sure if location should be included, but i'm in st. louis, MO. (couldnt find the chart of the...
  14. J

    The 11:11 Phenomenon

    Am I the only one who sees 3:16 (my bday) often? And 666. :confused:
  15. J

    Ever seen a chart like this?

    the astrologers will need a year of birth :)
  16. J

    I really do need your help!

    i see chiron is having a field day running back and forth over your natal pluto 's opposition area. i don't know what that means, but it can't be easy. i can only offer you words not associated with astrology: please try and remember that your life is just as valuable as anyone else's, as...
  17. J

    Tattoos in the Natal Chart

    well, i can make out a connection with mine, but i only have one tattoo. perhaps look at the themes of his tattoos. i have merc cazimi in pisces square mars in sag, and a big aum on my left upper arm. so a spiritual tattoo makes sense. mars is in the 7th house, and my tattoo was inspired by...
  18. J

    Sylvia Browne?

    woah, seriously? that's pretty neat to have a president as an astrological twin. do you share the same political views? (not trying to start debate, i'm only curious) neptune in the 8th is definitely associated with things not of this earth. o_O i've had an OBE, and used to hear voices...
  19. J

    Can't get a job ...And Neptune.

    don't hate on the 'tune. you'll make it worse! negative brain programming. neptune is teaching you lessons in the work place, and prepping you to know what you're dealing with! just trying to give you a better perspective to such a crud situation. :( good luck! perhaps saturn will come...
  20. J


    If you ever find a clear answer on what a pisces is, please let me know. There's a discussion about the general pisces influence under Astrology and Psychology labelled "What is a pisces, quest to undestand...". I have a sun pisces, and a 12H moon, which could be similar .. however, I can't...